WTF? A Liberal with common sense, I never thought I'd live long enough to see that. :laugh:

I'm definitely more in the "classical liberal" group, and I accept that the common meaning of the word has kind of left me behind in the last 20 years. The difference between my positions and a right/center person's are negligible.

Economically, there's probably not much we'd disagree on except I might be slightly left of some in terms of social safety nets. Socially, I still believe less government involvement/coercion is better. But my opinions on how people should (freely) decide to live and what they should value have undeniably moved right of center...just for different reasons than many conservatives.
I'm definitely more in the "classical liberal" group, and I accept that the common meaning of the word has kind of left me behind in the last 20 years. The difference between my positions and a right/center person's are negligible.

Economically, there's probably not much we'd disagree on except I might be slightly left of some in terms of social safety nets. Socially, I still believe less government involvement/coercion is better. But my opinions on how people should (freely) decide to live and what they should value have undeniably moved right of center...just for different reasons than many conservatives.

Oh yeah, the lefties of today definitely left you behind with their censorship, cancel culture, 31 genders and "men can get pregnant" schtick.

It's so funny you mention this. The old school liberals in many situations are hardly discernable from conservatives in many scenarios. Over the last few decades they've definitely veered hard, hard left into wacky town.


Oh yeah, the lefties of today definitely left you behind with their censorship, cancel culture, 31 genders and "men can get pregnant" schtick.

It's so funny you mention this. The old school liberals in many situations are hardly discernable from conservatives in many scenarios. Over the last few decades they've definitely veered hard, hard left into wacky town.

Well, yeah, because instead of arguing about things like Welfare reform and small disagreements on taxes we're arguing about crazy, extreme stuff and everything is framed as literal life or death.

The problem is "the libs" are no longer liberal. The Marxist (mostly neo-Marxist) influence IS the issue here. It's the reason everything is so crazy, and why the craziness has been accelerating so fast.

It is warranted. Read the Mueller report.

Have you read it?

I have, At least skimmed it well, not really much evidence there

I had to, because when it came out it was all over the news it had so much proof but they never quoted chapter and page EVER

I even debated asking for chapter and page to point to any of the claims spoken of forums and news articles and the comments connected to it

And no one could ever do it
You want to point at name calling? Both sides do it - always have.

However, Your guy is the King of Slander.

Let's start with Enemy of the People: Trump keeps saying ‘enemy of the people’ — but the phrase has a very ugly history

Understand Trump even being president was reactionary to the lefts onslaught

When did it really begin and catch fire 2012 elections I even got accused of racism where I work because a girl that worked there walked by when I was debating with another about the healthcare law

Then I saw it was everywhere

In many arena's it was on the news and social media that people who disagreed with Obama or wasn't going to vote for him was racist plain and simple there could be no other explanation is how they made it our

Once he was president he put Christians, Veterans and seniors at the tea party events the top of the top terrorist threats list

He used the DOJ and IRS to attack his political enemies

Heck black panthers were at polling booths with batons and there only punishment's was to stay away from poling booths till the next election

the media was a major part of it

Everything got turned upside down

If none of this happened I highly doubt Trump would have ever been president in the first place

People felt marginalized many Americans became the enemy for no reason

Trump was the only one really standing against this with a mouth to stand up the the left constant barrage of verbal accusations and attacks on those evil people who disagree

The need for Trump was born of the left
Understand Trump even being president was reactionary to the lefts onslaught

When did it really begin and catch fire 2012 elections I even got accused of racism where I work because a girl that worked there walked by when I was debating with another about the healthcare law

Then I saw it was everywhere

In many arena's it was on the news and social media that people who disagreed with Obama or wasn't going to vote for him was racist plain and simple there could be no other explanation is how they made it our

Once he was president he put Christians, Veterans and seniors at the tea party events the top of the top terrorist threats list

He used the DOJ and IRS to attack his political enemies

Heck black panthers were at polling booths with batons and there only punishment's was to stay away from poling booths till the next election

the media was a major part of it

Everything got turned upside down

If none of this happened I highly doubt Trump would have ever been president in the first place

People felt marginalized many Americans became the enemy for no reason

Trump was the only one really standing against this with a mouth to stand up the the left constant barrage of verbal accusations and attacks on those evil people who disagree

The need for Trump was born of the left

If the left thought Trump was bad, just watch what happens if they keep pushing.
Because anti-abortion violence happens so often, right? I guess you and I are hearing different things from pro-choice and the LGBTQ crowd.

Um... You're joking right? Because it there's a long history of anti-abortion violence. If you aren't hearing about it there's a high probability it's due to the media diet you consume.

I know the link is from a pro-choice source, but just because you don't know about it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

This study is from 91

An epidemic of antiabortion violence in the United States - PubMed

From the Justice Department:

National Task Force On Violence Against Reproductive Health Care Providers