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Again if there was anything conclusive on this he would have been help in court much of this is sooo far from any evidence

Some of it has actually now been linked to plot by Hillary

some of it has been done by others including Obama and Bill

But mostly its guess a lot of nothing Mueller knew that even he didnt want to testify on it

There just is NO Smoking gun to be found here

Receiving stolen information from a foreign government and using it to further your political campaign is certainly something he could have been brought up on charges for.

His buddy Barr, who he appointed at the DOJ, is the one who decided to prosecute or not. And his legal explanation to not prosecute is highly contested by many legal scholars.
He had meth and fentanyl in his system. Anyone that plays with those drugs is definitely teasing with death. Deserve? Debatably yes.

A history of violent armed crimes. When you grab a gun and commit a crime, even an *** knows they could be killed. Some countries will execute a person for that. Deserve?

Now, should that cop have killed him? No. Does a violent piece of crap repeat offender like George Floyd deserve to live? It depends who you ask. Ask his victims.

Ok When I say deserve I mean in the sense of should the cop put him in that hold that way for that long

I guess a better way to say it it was wrong of the cop to do what he did

Deserve Between Floyd and God thats another story but then we all deserve worse then we get

Floyd def deserved justice for the things he did but it was not up to the cop to do it

On the other hand many of the other instances that were in the news were way more strait forward man takes cops wepon and gets shot man charged cop and gets shot

These there are no debate

But again I gues my point was even if the cop was dead wrong and purposely murdered him over some past history

does this make floyd a hero? he was still a bad bad dude who had no problem pointing a gun a a pregnant mothers belly and multitude of many other crimes, Who has harmed many

While it does not justify his death It also does not justify his hero status
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Receiving stolen information from a foreign government and using it to further your political campaign is certainly something he could have been brought up on charges for.

His buddy Barr, who he appointed at the DOJ, is the one who decided to prosecute or not. And his legal explanation to not prosecute is highly contested by many legal scholars.

Ok where is the proof why isn't he in jail???

There are many many many salivating at th mouth just waiting for something like that to prosecute him

Those sharks are everywhere circling and circling for anything they can put their teeth into

so what's the deal why are they not biting?
Ok When I say deserve I mean in the sense of should the cop put him in that hold that way for that long

I guess a better way to say it it was wrong of the cop to do what he did

Deserve Between Floyd and God thats another story but then we all deserve worse then we get

Floyd def deserved justice for the things he did but it was not up to the cop to do it

On the other hand many of the other instances that were in the news were way more strait forward man takes cops wepon and gets shot man charged cop and gets shot

These there are no debate

But again I gues my point was even if the cop was dead wrong and purposely murdered him over some past history does make floyd a hero he was still a bad bad dude who had no problem pointing a gun a a pregnant mothers belly and multitude of many other crimes, Who has harmed many

While it does not justify his death It also does not justify his hero status

Sure, what the cop did was wrong, but if George Floyd wasn't committing crimes, doing drugs and resisting arrest, it wouldn't have happened. You don't wanna get in a violent confrontation with a cop? Don't do those things. There is one thing that cop could have done to prevent that outcome, but many, many many things George Floyd could have done to prevent that confrontation.
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So because he was in prison he deserved to die?

Is it ok to sentence everyone to death for resisting arrest? Or just former prisoners?

The article you linked to says he "turned his life around after prison". You forgot to mention that....

The moral of the story SHOULD be that a civilized society does not kill unarmed citizens for resisting arrest.
I never said he deserved to die, I said bad things can happed when you resist arrest.

Passing counterfeit money is turning your life around?
I never said he deserved to die, I said bad things can happed when you resist arrest.

Passing counterfeit money is turning your life around?

How do we know he knew it was counterfeit? The US Treasury estimates there is around $70 million in counterfeit bills in public circulation. That is around 1 counterfeit for every 4,000 real bills.

There are tens of millions of people this second who have no clue they currently are holding a counterfeit bill.

Having a counterfeit bill does not mean he was intentionally breaking the law.


I agree that bad things happen when you resist arrest. Tackled, tased, etc. Death should not be one of them except under extreme circumstances. The only thing extreme about this was a cop kneeling on a handcuffed mans neck for 8+ minutes.
Sure, what the cop did was wrong, but if George Floyd wasn't committing crimes, doing drugs and resisting arrest, it wouldn't have happened. You don't wanna get in a violent confrontation with a cop? Don't do those things. There is one thing that cop could have done to prevent that outcome, but many, many many things George Floyd could have done to prevent that confrontation.

Dont break the law if you dont want to die. Got it.

He never attacked that cop. There was no need for it to be violent if the cop was not attacked.
Dont break the law if you dont want to die. Got it.

He never attacked that cop. There was no need for it to be violent if the cop was not attacked.

It wasn't violent. No one hit him. He got out of the car (where they found Fentanyl) and asked to be put on the ground. The restraint technique used isn't that uncommon and is trained in law enforcement (though I'm not a fan, personally). He had a history of swallowing drugs while detained by police.

And I'd be lying if I said I believe he died from the knee on the neck. The initial medical examiner didn't list it as a contributing factor until an angry call from a high-profile examiner who threatened to write a critical op-ed in the Washington Post (and testified as such). The private autopsy was done by the same guy who openly lied in the OJ Simpson case, and his only evidence of asphyxia was the video itself.

Neither autopsy found any physical evidence of asphyxia, and Chauvin clearly wasn't applying pressure for 8 minutes.

Not happy with how a lot of it went down. But given the lethal amount of drugs in his system, his history swallowing drugs to hide them from police, his behavior and heart condition...I can't help what I think happened.

The issues of not changing the venue and jury intimidation make it, to me, an injustice all by itself.