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You don't seem to have a problem with George Floyd repeatedly breaking the law and placing others in danger.

This whole situation resulted in one less violent criminal being able to terrorize the country. This is a win for America.

Fascism at its finest.

His past has no relevance on the situation. I dont agree with his past or how he was conducting his life when he died. But that does not mean he deserved to die.

You think he deserved to die because he had a bad past. So sad.

I feel sorry for you, I know it hurts to have that much hate inside of you.
Fascism at its finest.

His past has no relevance on the situation. I dont agree with his past or how he was conducting his life when he died. But that does not mean he deserved to die.

You think he deserved to die because he had a bad past.

I feel sorry for you, I know it hurts to have that much hate inside of you.

It's not hate, it's love for America. You should get the HIPAA certification I got. Then get the badging and background check, and special livescan and sign all the documents including the hostage waiver like I did. Then you can come with me into the jails and homeless shelters to try help these people like I do. I've been going into the jails and working with these people for nearly 20 years. I may have more experience dealing with these people than anyone on this thread.
What violent crime did he commit since leaving prison?

Again, do your homework, I can't do it for you. He's was known violent criminal.

He was a known violent criminal that got what was coming to him. I can only stomach watching you stick up for that piece of crap for so long. Your time could be better spent.\

Actually, you know what, never mind, Scant83. You win. I guess since he went to prison, that wipes the slate clean. You win - George Floyd was a great guy and a model citizen you would love to have marry your daughter.

You win. You win, pat yourself on the back, Scant83.
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It's not hate, it's love for America. You should get the HIPAA certification I got. Then get the badging and background check, and special livescan and sign all the documents including the hostage waiver like I did. Then you can come with me into the jails and homeless shelters to try help these people like I do. I've been going into the jails and working with these people for nearly 20 years. I may have more experience dealing with these people than anyone on this thread.

So you work with prisoners... just like Floyd... who you think dont deserve a second chance in life or basic civil rights the same as everyone else and are better off dead?

Or are they better off dead only if they reoffend?

Or is it only if they reoffend and resist arrest that the world is better if they are dead?

At what point does the former prisoner stop being entitled to basic human and constitutional rights?
Again, do your homework, I can't do it for you. He's was known violent criminal.

He was a known violent criminal that got what was coming to him. I can only stomach watching you stick up for that piece of crap for so long. Your time could be better spent.

Who had not been convicted of any violent crimes since leaving prison 7 years prior.
Fine Scant83, again, you win. George Floyd was a standup guy that you'll defend until your dying breath. Let's all do meth and fenatnyl and resist arrest. You win. I'm out.

Never said he was a good person. Just said he didnt deserve to be killed.

So again, at what point does a former prisoner no longer deserve basic human and constitutional rights?

At what point does a former prisoner who reoffends deserve to be killed without due process?

At what point do you consider them to be sub-human?

This person who had not been convicted of a violent crime since leaving prison 7 years ago... at what point does he deserve to die and the world is a better place without him?