"Thanks for the $20"


New Member
Has anyone else heard this slogan before?

Let me explain... Lets say hypothetically you make 100 cold calls a day every week. Thats 500 calls per week, and you get one appointment that leads to a $10,000 revenue account. Your effort for each of those 500 calls was worth $20 dollars to make that sale ($10,000 / 500 calls = $20 per call)

Every time you get hung up on, or someone is rude to you, just say to yourself "Thanks for the $20." Every failed call brings you closer to the next sale.

A little motivation that I use. Anyone else have something that keeps them dialing?
That's call center 101 mentality. It works too---as long as you buy into the system. I never let someone's rudeness ever discourage me. It's a rare thing too since I try to start the conversation as bright and chipper as I can be. The marketers that don't call "with a smile on", are the ones who get lambasted the most.
That's total bullshit! I worked for Secure Horizons and they tried to convince us that every "no" was worth $5.

My suggest was that they pay us the $5 for each one we received. Amazingly they didn't like that idea.

You get nothing for non-sales. Period. End of report.

It's just "funny-math". I guess the reason it's taught so much in a call center is that it's easy to quantify, but your point is equally valid. Glass half full vs glass half empty I guess.
Nick Murray (The New Financial Advisor) talks about this idea in his books. It's all just in the psychology of it. "Every 'no' gets me one step closer to a 'yes'" is another variation. I say you tell yourself whatever you have to in order to do whatever you have to do.
The 1st time I ever heard it was from Tom Hopkins. He may not have been the 1st, but it was quite a few years back.
I'm still waiting on a 10,000 revenue account after all my cold calls. Am I doing something wrong?
Isn't this like that fairy tale that tells girls that kissing a lot of frogs is the price to be paid to find the prince?

*It might motivate some, but I'd be bummed out to think that I'd HAVE TO produce at $20 at a time....that seems depressing to me.

But to each his own....
I'm with Rick on this one. You either have results or you don't. If you think you're earning $20 on every call regardless you can continue to be crappy and it's ok.