The Current State Of ObamaCare - ACA

You never answered my question I posted earlier. You had asked me if I would like MA plans if they only paid 1%. Actually, they pay about 2% now but I'm opposed to government plans, period. I would get rid of Medicare, Social Security, long term unemployment, long term welfare...the list goes on and on.

Until such time as the government takes over all health "insurance" 100%, I'll still sell what I want and earn what I can. I don't have to approve of the programs to take my ethical stance.

So, how about it? If Obamacrap paid you 1% how much would sell? You've never posted how this helps your clients only how happy you are making money selling what is laughingly referred to as insurance.

You have the guts to post how wonderful it is. How about answering a simple question. Is it a good program if it paid you 1%?


Rick you're being very nasty and hateful. I have talked at great length about the people that are being helped by this law. I had 5 women break down in tears (face to face) after I helped them get coverage 2 of which had breast cancer. The Denny's Waitress..... have you forgot?

Alright lets get down to business and the economics of doing this job for 1% commission. If one had a million dollar book you would make $10k in a 12 month period. One would have to have a $5 million book just to earn $50k yr.

Does your mailman work for $10 k per year? I'm sure he believes delivering your mail is a necessary and good thing as I'm sure you do as well. Does the guy making body armor for our troops make just $10K per year? Does he believe in what he does? Millions of Americans believe in what they do for a living just like I do, but we have to get paid....we have bills that we have to pay.
Does your mailman work for $10 k per year? I'm sure he believes delivering your mail is a necessary and good thing as I'm sure you do as well. Does the guy making body armor for our troops make just $10K per year? Does he believe in what he does? Millions of Americans believe in what they do for a living just like I do, but we have to get paid....we have bills that we have to pay.

I'll take it that you're only here for the money although you support the law completely. Unless you can't earn a living from it. But other than that, you love it.

If you had the nads you'd just admit you won't support it unless it pays you enough to make a living. I guess you never heard of any other insurance a real agent could sell.

As far as being nasty, yes. I've spoken with you many times in the past and didn't realize what kind of a person you really are.

Please feel free to not call me again.

If I don't sing out of your hymn book I'm a fly in the ointment..ok I get it.
It's called civil discourse.... until name calling and personal attacks ensue.
Just don't read anymore of my post if I'm of no value to you.
Todd are you certified to sell on the exchanges? If so then cool but if not members that don't write exchange biz don't need to poking around here causing trouble. You don't see me posting in the Annuity or Auto forum.

Kevin Angle: I am FFM certified and do business in three states, Arizona, Georgia & Tennessee. I have been in the employee benefits and individual health insurance since 1986.

Based on your statements you are most knowledgeable of Medicare. You are not very well versed in group medical or individual health Insurance. I believe you previously stated that you got out in 2001 due high rate increases?? Exactly the time when your clients needed you the most.

You should probably spend more time learning the under age 65 medical insurance business rather than tell us here how great Obamacare is.

There is an immense amount of knowledge on this forum that could help you understand our business. However, since you seem to find joy in pissing off your fellow agents you will probably not find any agent on here willng to help you after you start a thread.
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I'll take it that you're only here for the money although you support the law completely. Unless you can't earn a living from it. But other than that, you love it.

If you had the nads you'd just admit you won't support it unless it pays you enough to make a living. I guess you never heard of any other insurance a real agent could sell.

As far as being nasty, yes. I've spoken with you many times in the past and didn't realize what kind of a person you really are.

Please feel free to not call me again.


I support the Law regardless. I'm a salesman. I will always make a living! You must be a miserable person on the inside. I'm sad for you.
Thanks for the insult. You're a miserable person on the outside.

I'd be sad for you if I gave a crap.


It wasn't an insult just an observation. I will let your forum track record speak for itself (banned). Now if you don't mind beat the trail back to the Senior Forum if they will take you back.


Kevin Angle: I am FFM certified and do business in three states, Arizona, Georgia & Tennessee. I have been in the employee benefits and individual health insurance since 1986.

Based on your statements you are most knowledgeable of Medicare. You are not very well versed in group medical or individual health Insurance. I believe you previously stated that you got out in 2001 due high rate increases?? Exactly the time when your clients needed you the most.

You should probably spend more time learning the under age 65 medical insurance business rather than tell us here how great Obamacare is.

There is an immense amount of knowledge on this forum that could help you understand our business. However, since you seem to find joy in pissing off your fellow agents you will probably not find any agent on here willng to help you after you start a thread.

Todd you don't understand the full scale of what I've been dealing with here and the flack and trash talking from my fellow agents for MONTHS!! My fellow Agents have been treating me and others that sell subsidized plans like sub human garbage ...pond scum....One day I woke up and said I've had enough of this.....and now here we are.
Todd you don't understand the full scale of what I've been dealing with here and the flack and trash talking from my fellow agents for MONTHS!! My fellow Agents have been treating me and others that sell subsidized plans like sub human garbage ...pond scum....One day I woke up and said I've had enough of this.....and now here we are.

About 90% of the agents on this health care reform forum sold subsidized plans. Most reported more subsidized sales than non.
About 90% of the agents on this health care reform forum sold subsidized plans. Most reported more subsidized sales than non.

Many of the agents that used to post here are gone......I will let that fact speak for itself. The negativity reached such a fevered pitch it was difficult for me to come back in after March.
I didn't go looking for business since I really had no book left to move. I stopped soliciting IFP when Obummer got elected. The writing was on the wall.

But I did sell about 30 plans on the exchange, mostly to people who lost their current plan. So most of them lost their doctor due to network limitations and have limited choice of hospitals. But all is good because Nancy Pelosi says so.

I wrote about 20 off exchange but generally people paid a great deal more or had to go into lesser plans.

But on the good side, men can get breast pumps and people without children are paying an additional premium for pediatric dental.

It's ironic (but not funny) that AARP asked for an exemption and now GM says they had lower earning because of increase health insurance costs due to Obamacrap.

I'll say it again. Anyone that thinks this is a good deal for America doesn't fully understand how bad this law that was shoved down out throats.

If it's so good why must people be forced to buy?
