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Community rating and EHB eliminates that advantage . . . which never had any real merit before Obamacrap.
I have health business in 5 states and buying across state lines has a lot of merit! The majority of my business in Oregon and Washington. If I buy the exact same ACA plan with Lifewise in Oregon as I have in Washington I will save over 10% on the premiums. If I were able to buy the same plan through Moda that is not available in Washington state I'd have a better network, identical plan and a 25% savings. I can't tell you how many people I have worked with that work in Oregon but live in Washington because the are Washington state residence they have less choices and more costs. Pre ACA I've saw a larger difference but the difference is still quite substantial.
Do you really think a person in a state with a couple insurance carriers can't find a better price product in another state with more competition?