- 6,003
I don't know if the hierarchy can be protected. I wonder what would happen if every carrier offered efes managers the imo lever contact? How many managers would take it? With my imo it's broken into 13 agencies. If each on got offered the same contract at the imo level I wonder how many would branch off. How loyal would any manager be to any imo?
I can see how some comp might be raised. If the guy on top is taking such a big spread. And doesn't need it anymore because of the commission share going on with Integrity, they might raise contracts. None of the carriers I've talked to have mentioned integrity having a contract. And I've never seen them on a newsletter.
The only thing I have ever heard from a carrier about integrity is "well, we can't control who you want us to send your check to"
I have 2 direct contracts that are leads in the business I do... this is the sort of talk that makes me glad to have them. I don't quite care for the illusion of being independent.