The Master Plan

Thus, I leave the political dialectic to the rest of you. I'm tired of it... and afraid of some of you so I'll just lurk and post when I have something to ask. But posting to "say" something does not sound like a very good (safe) idea for me anymore.

InsuranceSolutions123 Agency

You could also try a third alternative which would be to knock off some of the nasty **** and put more love into your posts as we compassionate conservatives always do.

While you are spot on in some things you are way off on some others.

First you must realize by now that the legislation was designed by and for the biggest health insurance carriers because it will put the smaller carriers out of the business.

Second all this will do is price individual at group rates and subsidize 400% of FPL to some degree. 80% of market is guaranteed issue group now and their rates are quite high. Individual rates are 50% of group now but with guaranteed issue will be raised to group levels.

Third it really doesnt matter what the people or the congress or the president want they dont really run the country; we just think they do. The history of regulation shows that it has always been the foxes guarding the henhouse.

Finally all that slows when the republicans regain power is the pace. The pace is controlled and the illusion of two parties is maintained to quell the dissent of the people. That is the very nature of fabian or creeping socialism the frog doesnt realize the water in the pot is boiling him until it is too late.
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legislation was designed by and for the biggest health insurance carriers because it will put the smaller carriers out of the business.

True, but Obama changed the rules making it almost impossible for them to remain in the game. They were pretty stupid for getting in bed with him.

Going forward, this plan will eventually fall apart, hopefully before it gains traction. Of course this is just one nail in the financial coffin of the US government.