The Master Plan

Romney looks good, and can deliver a decent speech without relying on teleprompters.

But he is really just another politician.

He campaigned in MI and told auto workers as prez, he would do everything in his power to restore jobs.

McCain followed him a week later and told the truth. The jobs would not return.

FWIW, the best speech he gave during the last election was his speech bowing out of the race. Had he conveyed some of those thoughts on the campaign trail, things might have been different.
Until people take the time to agitate from the ground up, nothing will change.

That being true, nevertheless, in my humble opinion, the people are plenty agitated already. Problem is they have not place to turn. You can look at the commiecare health plan and see the country going off the cliff, and then they try to turn to in another direction that deals with health reform but not in a commie way, and there is none being articulated.
Talk is cheap. Once we see 75% voter turnout, I'll be in agreement!

Keep putting up a slate of losers on the ballot and it does not make much difference whether they are elected by a large turnout or a small one.

Leadership and brains are required at this juncture in history. No one knows whether republicans aspire to be conservtatives or dem-lite. We can argue that the voters dont care and dont turn out and all of that. Meanwhile they got plenty fired up over Obama and turned out to elect him. Just ask Hillary. Or, we can put McCain on the ballot and wonder why people are not fired up. Actually, they are plenty exhausted following the issues (not all, but the likely voters are). Time for the republicans to deliver a candidate or just sit back and take it.

The public understands the key elements of the Republican Health Plan right? Nevermind. There is none. Elections are going to change everything in the fall and the need for reform will go away - or not.
Winter, as always, you make very good points. Only one problem. The voters are not that bright nor analytical. Long ago a comedian observed that most elections are decided by people who cannot make up their mind. This was based on the number of "undecided" voters that show up in polls just days before an election in a close race.

Look at how the last election played out.

We had a lawyer married to a lawyer running against a war hero married to a busty blonde that owns a brewery. McCain should have beat the organizer handily.

This is proof positive the voters are not that bright.
Winter, as always, you make very good points. Only one problem. The voters are not that bright nor analytical. Long ago a comedian observed that most elections are decided by people who cannot make up their mind. This was based on the number of "undecided" voters that show up in polls just days before an election in a close race.

Look at how the last election played out.


It is really the opposite. I think I keep emphasing that the people are subject to leadership good or bad because their own thinking only goes so far. Many here, on the other hand, want to theorize about how people should be voting for Ron Paul or Sarah Palin or what have you if they would smarten up. Frig that. There are issues in motion out in the real world and we not running a think tank. Have the republicans got someone who can walk into it and work with the masses, be they smart or dumb, and work with it. That is what leadership is all about. Or, we can keep watching the dems outsmart the republicans and chasitze the voters for not knowing better.

Republicans need to smarten up and get a plan and a strategy and leadership to go with it, or keep choosing the opposite direction and watch how that works. I understand there is anger and major discontent with Obama out there. Jesus, how often can I emphasize that. But, I will continue to say over and over and over that, although it is a perfect opportunity for a one-two punch. The "two" must be there to make it happen. No republican plan and no republican leadership and people will just continue to graft onto whatever Obama flops out.

Maocare is total mess but Obama is completely capable of convincing the people that the republicans are willing to just continue to let premiums rise and deny coverage to people when they get sick. Yes, I know it is all a crock but Obama controls the message now and the Republicans do not. If they want to change that, then that is fine too but that is where we are now. Don't assume that maocare is going to be a major liability for the dems come election time. It only will be if the people get an idea that a better alternative is not being taken. Whose frigging job is that to communicate it to the public. Oh, the republicans have Michael Steele. As Frank would say, give me a brake!
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Who is going to shape the Rep message? Currently, it seems the radio heads, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck etc seem to be the mouthpiece and that scares me. These guys are so over the top, IMO. Rather than talk about alternatives to Obama's choices we hear them quack about how many times Obamer has played golf, who cares. The pendulum keeps swinging back and forth as far as Congress goes, stupid Democrats then stupid Republicans.
Who is going to shape the Rep message? Currently, it seems the radio heads, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck etc seem to be the mouthpiece and that scares me. These guys are so over the top, IMO. Rather than talk about alternatives to Obama's choices we hear them quack about how many times Obamer has played golf, who cares. The pendulum keeps swinging back and forth as far as Congress goes, stupid Democrats then stupid Republicans.

Absolutely, the radio heads are there to sell advertising by entertaining, not to lead. Any change toward being fiscally responsible is going to create pain for someone, no way around it. Republicans are the same as Democrats, both want to maintain the status quo and get reelected. It's not a "be all answer", but I believe one term limits would go a long way toward real leadership.
It's not a "be all answer", but I believe one term limits would go a long way toward real leadership.

Consider though how accountable or not representatives would be if they were never up for re-election and really didn't have to worry about voters after being elected once.

hmmmmmmmmm. I can see a lot of trips to "stay in touch with the issues."
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