Tired of the Garbage


You are very good at what you do. One of the best that I know.

Prospects in Calif would be losing a very good, concerned agent to help them with their health insurance needs.

Take a trip to Vegas, drink a couple of beers, win a couple of thousand, plan a round of golf or two and you will feel like a new man.

In this job I have found out that one is either at the top of the tallest mountain or three feet lower than whale ****.

You're just swimming with the whales right now.
This board helps me. Without it I'm simply on the phones all day bored and trust me when I say my wife doesn't want to talk shop. To me this board isn't much different then if I was in an office working all day, but horsing around too. That being said not being in an office with that competitive atmosphere costs me about $2,000 a week - at least. Early next year I'm renting office space and hiring agents.
Speaking of captive I'm 2+ years into this independent thing. I'm locked out on the med advantage until November and sick of Motgage protection deception. Does anyone know of anyone that is or was captive with Accuquote. I'm looking into it. Thanks.
Hang in there Rick. I think it would be a mistake for you to leave insurance. I think the MA movement is going to blow over or blow up and we'll be back to med supps exclusively. Have a cold one, or two, or...
I'm officially burned out. I'm tired of the underwriting of health insurance, tired of contacting seniors about their medicare supplement rates when they actually have HMO plans and are too stupid to realize that nobody can be cheaper than zero premium, and tired of legislation that is aimed to put me out of business.

Am I the only one sick of this crap?:mad:


When I'm feeling pissed, I sometimes I call John to shoot the $@@@
When I'm feeling happy, I sometimes call John to shoot the $@##
When I feel like sitting on my ass and playing online poker, I call my lady, she yells at me, and then I get pissed and sometimes call John.

Have you noticed a trend here :)

Joking aside, this forum is a great medium to vent any and all concerns. On occasion, it is also a great avenue to contact other agents on this forum during the ups and downs.

You have my number..........
What is this AA?:D

Hey Rick,

I drove an 8 hour round trip yesterday to see 2 ladies. One can't sign up till dec. the other one wants to see if her current agent can beat my price. I was rippin pissed yesterday on my drive home. I got home at 10pm.
What is this AA?:D

Hey Rick,

I drove an 8 hour round trip yesterday to see 2 ladies. One can't sign up till dec. the other one wants to see if her current agent can beat my price. I was rippin pissed yesterday on my drive home. I got home at 10pm.

Did you know that she had an agent prior to you going to out present the options?
What is this AA?:D

Hey Rick,

I drove an 8 hour round trip yesterday to see 2 ladies. One can't sign up till dec. the other one wants to see if her current agent can beat my price. I was rippin pissed yesterday on my drive home. I got home at 10pm.
Thanks, you win for crappy day.

My day was spending time on the phone with a woman who wanted information on saving money on her med supp. She grilled me top to bottom. Then she told me she had an MA plan with 0 premium.

Then I received a card back from a prospect for the Birthday Insurance plan. No phone given but the address is only 6 blocks away.

There is a security screen in front of the open door of the house and a gawd-awful smell coming through it. Some guy yells thru the door, "What do you want." I ask is Linda there. He asks me "why."

I said I received this card from her and as he opened the screen to grab it, I saw a bunch of animal crates. These guys must have had 20 dogs/cats crapping all over the place!

Anyway, he says to wait. 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 7 minutes. Then I hear someone walk to the screen (can't see through it). The next thing I know the door is shut and I hear the deadbolt.

That's when I posted that I'm burned out!

Things are better now. Just got off the phone with a nice lady in Utah. Spent maybe 30 minutes discussing how her medicare works starting in Sept. and why the supplement/PDP will be better than paying $200 for a plan from work.

Then she tells me she only has Part A.

What a day. If I wasn't on a diet I'd be drinking by now.
