Today was a bad day

I think some people just dont have an awareness of how else they could be living. Like, they grew up in those conditions, and they've never really been exposed to other lifestyles, so the ignorance is kind of bliss.

And then others just dont really understand basic life skills. Like when I go to the appointment of a senior male, who never married, and its kind of reclusive, no kids.. They wont have a kitchen table to sit at, just a lounge chair and a tv. And they dont know how to file papers, just have stacks of stuff, scattered about. They dont know how to clean the house/bathroom, or they dont realize that the toilet needs to be cleaned once in awhile.

I try to imagine how somebody can live that way, like what steps in life got them to this place, it seems so dysfunctional. I want to avoid those steps lol
Sometimes it's like that. But sometimes when someone gets older or disabled they may have difficulty doing even simple tasks. The clutter gets away from them and they don't even know where to start. And when they start they can't finish, so they just end up feeling overwhelmed. Unless there's someone to help them, they're gonna have other people looking down their noses at them, so they avoid having anybody visit. It is the exact reason why some who send in a response card refuse a face to face meeting. Others have learned how to dismiss their fears of what you may think of them, especially if they really want to take care of a need. So, we need to be careful. If we make assumptions and judgements about people (admittedly hard not to at times), it can cause an unnecessary barrier between us and our client that can be difficult to overcome.
You are dedicated!
Not any more.. The last one was when I was running a debit and had no choice but to service the existing customers. Had I stepped to the door of the first house and it had been nasty on the inside, the best I would have doen would have been tell them that I will just get some quick information and gt back to them with the best plan for them and leave without ever sititng down. I would then call them later and arrange to meet them at somewhere like Hardees, buy them a cup of coffee, make by presentation and take the app. If they didn't want to meet, then I would say thanks and move on. One of the pleasures of being at the point in life that I am. I no longer have a desire to get rich, have no need to impress anyone and don't need the income to pay my bills. Sure, I enjoy a little extra money but the main reason I do this is to feel productive in life. Getting old isn't all bad.. :)
Not any more.. The last one was when I was running a debit and had no choice but to service the existing customers. Had I stepped to the door of the first house and it had been nasty on the inside, the best I would have doen would have been tell them that I will just get some quick information and gt back to them with the best plan for them and leave without ever sititng down. I would then call them later and arrange to meet them at somewhere like Hardees, buy them a cup of coffee, make by presentation and take the app. If they didn't want to meet, then I would say thanks and move on. One of the pleasures of being at the point in life that I am. I no longer have a desire to get rich, have no need to impress anyone and don't need the income to pay my bills. Sure, I enjoy a little extra money but the main reason I do this is to feel productive in life. Getting old isn't all bad.. :)
Well, I love that outlook. Reminds me of a bit from this Tony Robbins podcast I recently listened to.
He talks about the 6 human emotions that drive us. The 5th being Growth, and how few people work to have growth in their lives, but growth and contribution are what lead us to true happiness.
Here's a link: Why we do what we do |
Sometimes it's like that. But sometimes when someone gets older or disabled they may have difficulty doing even simple tasks. The clutter gets away from them and they don't even know where to start. And when they start they can't finish, so they just end up feeling overwhelmed. Unless there's someone to help them, they're gonna have other people looking down their noses at them, so they avoid having anybody visit. It is the exact reason why some who send in a response card refuse a face to face meeting. Others have learned how to dismiss their fears of what you may think of them, especially if they really want to take care of a need. So, we need to be careful. If we make assumptions and judgements about people (admittedly hard not to at times), it can cause an unnecessary barrier between us and our client that can be difficult to overcome.
Those are the ones you meet at Burger King.