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72 year old female nonsmoker on oxygen and taking spiriva; regardless of what app says would this likely be a complete decline??


She has sleep apnea and copd and takes Cpap...
72 year old female nonsmoker on oxygen and taking spiriva; regardless of what app says would this likely be a complete decline?? ---------- She has sleep apnea and copd and takes Cpap...

Oxygen and COPD is going to be ROP with anybody and a decline with most.

Oxygen with sleep apnea will fly with a few companies. Trans is not one of them though. It specifically includes sleep apnea in the O2 question if I remember correctly.
Oxygen and COPD is going to be ROP with anybody and a decline with most. Oxygen with sleep apnea will fly with a few companies. Trans is not one of them though. It specifically includes sleep apnea in the O2 question if I remember correctly.

Part C3 question 6e is the only question that would be answered "yes".

Based on what the OP stated it still looks like graded to me.
Put her with Gerber, Vantis or give her the number for MOO and move on. She has COPD and uses oxygen. Even if you slip it past somewhere, it is a recession looking for a place and time to happen.
Put her with Gerber, Vantis or give her the number for MOO and move on. She has COPD and uses oxygen. Even if you slip it past somewhere, it is a recession looking for a place and time to happen.

Or use Security National with none of the 1 year chargeback bs