Travel Distance for Final Expense Leads

The county I live in has a litle over 40,000 people living here. I likve in one of the more populous counties in western Ky.

That makes sense why you guy talk about running so many different counties. Mine is just shy of a Million and we are not one of the big ones. LA county has to be in the 10 Million range.
Most of my leads are within 25 to 30 miles of where I live, and that covers most of 3 counties. Most of the population here in Utah which is just over 3 million, lives along a 100 mile stretch of I-15.
Very good info. Thanks everyone. The county I work in has about 850K people. I have LA and Santa Barbara counties next me if I need to spread out and have enough of the FE demographic.
It's very rare when I go more than 15 miles from my office. I've been selling for 15 years and haven't sold everyone in town yet.
I've traveled as much as 4-6 hours, but would group my appointments and stay over in a hotel. Without an overnight stay I've traveled as far as one hour, but would always confirm first, if possible qualify interest as much as possible and do my darnest to walk out with a signed app.