Trolled in PM

Am I the only one that had to look up what prat means?

honestly, I just assumed he fat fingered his posts & said prat & meant part or said git & meant got.

but then again, I am dyslexic. I never knew so many people were dyslexic until I read in the news that 5 out of 2 people are dyslexic. Who knew? well, I am sure Travis Price knew with his fancy pants language expertise
honestly, I just assumed he fat fingered his posts & said prat & meant part or said git & meant got.

but then again, I am dyslexic. I never knew so many people were dyslexic until I read in the news that 5 out of 2 people are dyslexic. Who knew? well, I am sure Travis Price knew with his fancy pants language expertise

I'll just use doodie pants from now on..
Initially it was git.. but I thought that was redundant. Berk is a bit more derogatory.

I settled on prat... I probably should have said doodie pants, as it reflects more humor on a forum... However.. it's already been quoted.. so I gotta lean in.
Well, prat is fine... But I will apologize to you. I was kidding and had no intention of offending you.
You do realize when they changed the forum the people here before lost their states and started from scratch while maintaining their post count right?
Well, I was the first to have 1000 likes but since the monkey came back he has blown things away.. he was the first at 2K and every threshold since. In fact he is on the cusp of having 10K...