Trump still doesn't have a plan to replace Obamacare

If your shitty "Dear Leader" Obama didn't write such a dogshit policy as Obamacare, no one would even need to replace it. Ask anyone about their thoughts on "We have to pass the bill to see what's in it," and "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor," and see what they say. I hope you're wearing a helmet and chest protector. I work the ACA and it's an absolute clown world shitshow of failed commie policy. The more people make and pay, the worse their policy and benefits get. I have genuinely never seen a more ridiculous piece of legislation in my life. and that's just an indisputable fact. Now you can get back to your 3 man commie circle jerk of "You hang up, comrade...."❤️ "No, you hang up, comrade."❤️
So where's the traitors plan? You admit Obamacare is a piece of shit. OK....where is his plan to replace it?

He doesn't have one and never will because he's losing in 53 days...1265 hours.

Here's his prize possession....the whack job herself....saying 9/11 was an inside job....

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So where's the traitors plan?
He's currently negotiating with Big Pharma as to how much it will cost them in campaign funding for him to let them to write up a plan to reduce drug prices, just like the corporate tax cuts they "negotiated" for his last term, which benefitted them by an additional $6B during just the first year they went into effect.
Because the country as a whole has to live with the consequences of those making the wrong choice.
And it's your opinion which is the wrong choice. The other side thinks you are making the wrong choice. That's what is so damn stupid about this constant bickering, like it is going to change anyone's mind.
And it's your opinion which is the wrong choice. The other side thinks you are making the wrong choice. That's what is so damn stupid about this constant bickering, like it is going to change anyone's mind.

The difference in this election and the last one, is that certain groups of peoples humanity is being attacked and plotted against.

Hate & bigotry should have no place in modern day US politics.

Fascism should have no place in modern day US politics.

Religious Nationalism should have no place in modern day US politics.

Villainization of US citizens should have no place in modern day US politics.

The republicans have embraced the Russian political model, which is a christian nationalist fascist system. It is morally abhorrent and goes against everything this country is supposed to stand for.
The difference in this election and the last one, is that certain groups of peoples humanity is being attacked and plotted against.

Hate & bigotry should have no place in modern day US politics.

Fascism should have no place in modern day US politics.

Religious Nationalism should have no place in modern day US politics.

Villainization of US citizens should have no place in modern day US politics.

The republicans have embraced the Russian political model, which is a christian nationalist fascist system. It is morally abhorrent and goes against everything this country is supposed to stand for.
Well said