Trumpcare - Making It Great Again

So why did the researchers in the article find that the plans were comparable and the goals of affordable coverage for LOW INCOME americans was being achieved?

Do you think that Fortune magazine is filled with democrat shills?

My clients between 138% and 250% of FPL (i.e. "Low Income) are VERY satisfied with their Marketplace plans. They have the artificially lowered Out-of-Pocket $$$ ceiling, and pay relatively little for their monthly premium. Approximately 1 out of 5 of my marketplace clients fall in that category.

IN GENERAL: Above the 250% of FPL income threshold, the financial stress and resultant anger over the premiums, steadily increases. Once you get over 600% of FPL..the financial stress starts to decrease, but not the anger.

No idea what political direction FORTUNE leans, ATL. I normally don't pay attention to such things unless a publication is blatantly biased.
Public option didn't happen with D prez, D House and H Senate. Why would it happen now even if House is lost to D's?

And why do you say today's D's are more communist than under Pelosi?

The idea that there are any members of the Democratic party who are communists is just the most laughable thing in the world to me and it proves how incredibly right-of-center the entire country is that they're viewed as "communists."


My clients between 138% and 250% of FPL (i.e. "Low Income) are VERY satisfied with their Marketplace plans. They have the artificially lowered Out-of-Pocket $$$ ceiling, and pay relatively little for their monthly premium.

Approximately 1 out of 5 of my clients fall in that category. IN GENERAL: Above the 250% of FPL income threshold, the financial stress and resultant anger over the premiums, steadily increases. Once you get over 600% of FPL..the financial stress starts to decrease, but not the anger.

One of, I think, the big problems here was that the tax credits didn't take into account the cost of living in different areas. Many of my friends and colleagues who have seen the highest premium increases also live in places with very high costs of living, but because it's a federal tax credit, the family in Seattle or San Fran gets quoted the same tax credit as the family in Nebraska or Detroit. MASSIVE oversight.
One of, I think, the big problems here was that the tax credits didn't take into account the cost of living in different areas. Many of my friends and colleagues who have seen the highest premium increases also live in places with very high costs of living, but because it's a federal tax credit, the family in Seattle or San Fran gets quoted the same tax credit as the family in Nebraska or Detroit. MASSIVE oversight.

You're saying that the $75 premium (After APTC is applied) hurts a Detroit resident far more than the San Francisco resident.
One of, I think, the big problems here was that the tax credits didn't take into account the cost of living in different areas. Many of my friends and colleagues who have seen the highest premium increases also live in places with very high costs of living, but because it's a federal tax credit, the family in Seattle or San Fran gets quoted the same tax credit as the family in Nebraska or Detroit. MASSIVE oversight. Not even close.

The subsidy is based on the Second Lowest Cost Silver Plan (SLCSP) in the county in which you live, which assumes that your health insurance premium does not exceed 9% of the Modified Adjusted Gross Income.
They passed the ACA wit 51 votes.

As hard this is to believe that party has actually gotten more liberal. 60 votes are required to pass filibuster and get vote to the floor. Once on the floor, then only 51 is required. And yes, Dems had 60 senators for the first 2 years of Obama office.
That's not what he said at all, where are you going with this?

You're welcome to clarify what AfroPope is saying ATL. My Detroit/SanFran comparison summarized how I interpreted his paragraph. Of course, I'm assuming that he, and you, understand how the APTC is structured. (See KGMom's post above.) That's why my response was so brief.
The idea that there are any members of the Democratic party who are communists is just the most laughable thing in the world to me and it proves how incredibly right-of-center the entire country is that they're viewed as "communists."


One of, I think, the big problems here was that the tax credits didn't take into account the cost of living in different areas. Many of my friends and colleagues who have seen the highest premium increases also live in places with very high costs of living, but because it's a federal tax credit, the family in Seattle or San Fran gets quoted the same tax credit as the family in Nebraska or Detroit. MASSIVE oversight.

Premiums reflect cost of living. Tax credits are based on second silver. Some carriers low balled premiums and screwed people in certain counties.
You're welcome to clarify what AfroPope is saying ATL. My Detroit/SanFran comparison summarized how I interpreted his paragraph. Of course, I'm assuming that he, and you, understand how the APTC is structured. (See KGMom's post above.) That's why my response was so brief.

I haven't dug into the intricacies of the law really. I don't care. I'm a salesperson. I love explaining things but in this job nobody cares. All well, I'll make money either way.