UHC, They Are Releasing the News Monday....possibly Today

Did ANY of your UHC clients even GET a Renewal Letter, Tkruger?

My clients sure haven't...in Texas.

Agents have NO clue what their existing ACA clients will be offered for 2016.

I called Broker Support last week.
They said that Renewal Letters would be issued "some time". But, they had NO definite date-certain.
And, did NOT know if agents would even get a copy of the Renewal Letters (or even an indication inside the Broker Portal about 2016 alternatives/options).

Reminds me of Aetna. Aetna said "Ask you clients what their Renewal Letter says."

Great question!!!

Some have and others have not we work in 20 states. I being the one that handles this type of analysis have not found a pattern to those whom have received vs. those that have not.

What I have found is that it is MP specific, as are the email and letters comming from HC.gov...

Don't risk losing your financial help

If you do not take action soon, you may be at risk of losing financial help in 2016. You could be losing your tax credits for reasons such as: your income is too high, you didn't authorize the Marketplace to check tax data, or you didn't file your 2014 federal income taxes to reconcile the financial help you received in 2014.

Don't take that risk. Please make sure you've filed your 2014 taxes, if you haven't already. Visit HealthCare.gov/taxes or IRS.gov/aca for more information on filing your 2014 tax return. When you enroll for 2016 coverage, you'll be asked by the Marketplace if you've filed your 2014 tax return and reconciled any financial assistance you used. If you do not resolve this issue, you may not be eligible for financial help.

If you have already filed your taxes, log in to HealthCare.gov to update your information, submit your 2016 application, see plans and prices, and enroll in a plan.

(Log In)

For more help, please visit HealthCare.gov, or call the Marketplace Call Center at 1-800-318-2596.

The HealthCare.gov Team

This email was created and distributed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. You're receiving this message because you signed up for email updates from the HealthCare.gov Team.You can update your preferences, receive fewer emails or pause emails until the next Open Enrollment period, or use our 1-click unsubscribe to stop receiving messages from the HealthCare.gov Team. Please contact [email protected] if you have questions or problems with your subscriptions.
In Illinois (Chicago), UHC has removed all but 3 Bronze and one Catastrophic from their website. But the Marketplace shows all 10, as usual. You think HC.gov simply hasn't caught up yet?
In Illinois (Chicago), UHC has removed all but 3 Bronze and one Catastrophic from their website. But the Marketplace shows all 10, as usual. You think HC.gov simply hasn't caught up yet?

No, they will continue to offer those off exchange. The idea with making only the bronze and catastrophic available via the broker portal was to keep offering standard commissions...this is what I was told yesterday.
No, they will continue to offer those off exchange. The idea with making only the bronze and catastrophic available via the broker portal was to keep offering standard commissions...this is what I was told yesterday.

OK Thank-you TKruger. Not the on/off balance you'd expect from a company that wants to shrink the On-Exchange business, but expand the Off-Exchange business.
and...what happens to the outstanding quotes/apps for silver plans off-exchange that I have?? Will my client be able to complete the app online, I just won't be paid, is that it?
You have to call broker services for any quotes you wish to get enrolled if the plan is not available on the EStore.

OK Thank-you TKruger. Not the on/off balance you'd expect from a company that wants to shrink the On-Exchange business, but expand the Off-Exchange business.

As a former Assurant employee, this reminds me of the beginning of the end. As Yogi once said, "It's getting late early".

I wonder if UHC is in trouble.
As a former Assurant employee, this reminds me of the beginning of the end. As Yogi once said, "It's getting late early".

I wonder if UHC is in trouble.

UHC the corporation is doing just fine. They're just trying to amputate the gangrened appendage, like Assurant did. (aka IFP Business)


After glancing over the UnitedHealth Group 3rd quarter 2015 operating results, it's hard to fathom why the company would cut commissions and withdraw from certain markets and IFP products.

UNH Financial Report: http://www.unitedhealthgroup.com/~/media/UHG/PDF/2015/UNH-Q3-2015-Release.ashx

With Assurant, it was obvious that the Individual Health unit was losing money badly. Individual health isn't a bright and shining star for United Health, but it does appear to be adding to the company's overall revenue. There is a little blurb in the report about Marketplace Fees tarnishing earnings..but that comes with the territory. As brokers, we experience the same treatment with our commissions at some carriers. (A percentage is deducted due to Obamascrew fees)

Anyone else see in their report a financial reason for cutting commissions? The "Individual" department isn't a big enough unit, in this behemoth of a company, for them to single out and hurt agents like they're doing.

I alluded to a reason earlier in this thread, but on the advice of a respected colleague, I edited that harsh comment to make it more "civil".
Even if making money, the IFP is a dead end. If you make money you give it back under the MLR rules. If you lose money, too bad.

Best you can hope for is to break even and hope to generate enough ancillary business to make it all worthwhile.