Upcoming TIP interview with JD

Scott, again, my income has no barring on this conversation. But since you keep bringing it up, Ill make considerably less this year than years past since I just spent seven million dollars to purchase a mall and make it into a call center. Does that answer your question?

And honestly, some of the best publicity for me is when I am attacked and forced to prove my position on things. Some of the best recruiting months NS has ever had is when you and your gang pulled these stunts a couple of years ago.

In one month we brought on over 50 agents. That was a record for us at the time, and you played a big roll in that, so thank you.

Yes you and Jussie Smollett seem to have those attacks in common.
This is what I am looking at on that thread:

FEX Quotes then asked, “What do you mean by against them?” And the reply was:

Don’t know how you read those statements but it sounds to me as if he is using it as a reason to replace the certificates. People can always spin things to justify their actions.

Do you have a link to that thread? I'ld like to read the context.
Note to All "independent agents" this is what the undercarriage of the captive and the semi-captive bus looks like. Of course, you won't see it if you are already face down and ass up when it runs over you.

Are you saying that captive shops are convincing agents and carriers that being 1099 independent is a bad idea?
Are you saying that captive shops are convincing agents and carriers that being 1099 independent is a bad idea?

No, I am saying that "independent" agents take the risk and the fall when something goes wrong. Shit rolls downhill. Not just in the case you were quoting about American Amicable being accused of ripping off United States Military families. But in general.

Bankers Life comes to mind.

It is always " a few bad agents" never the company or agency culture.
Shit rolls downhill.
That reminds me of when I was on the midnight stock crew at Kroger 40 years ago. The store manager was a retired Marine Drill Sgt. His boss was in and gave the store a bad review. He started the ass chewing for the night crew out with, "Gentlemen...sh*t runs downhill. My boss just got through calling me everything but white.........".

He could talk some good sh*t, but not as good as

No, I am saying that "independent" agents take the risk and the fall when something goes wrong. Shit rolls downhill. Not just in the case you were quoting about American Amicable being accused of ripping off United States Military families. But in general.

Bankers Life comes to mind.

It is always " a few bad agents" never the company or agency culture.
And money rolls up!:skeptical:
That reminds me of when I was on the midnight stock crew at Kroger 40 years ago. The store manager was a retired Marine Drill Sgt. His boss was in and gave the store a bad review. He started the ass chewing for the night crew out with, "Gentlemen...sh*t runs downhill. My boss just got through calling me everything but white.........".

He could talk some good sh*t, but not as good as

I have been on the other end of that. Funny ........ now.
I have been on the other end of that. Funny ........ now.
Worst I ever got it was the day before graduation. My dad told me when I went in that if I graduated basic training and the drill sergeant didn't know my name I had done well. Well I had cq runner duty day before graduation. I'm cleaning the office and the drill sergeant says "You know what, I don't know nothing about you. Pull your file and bring it here". I give it to him and he goes off. "This says your only 17. Is that right?". Yes drill sergeant. %$*##@%^& Drop and give me 20." "What the hell, this says your already married?". Yes drill sergeant. "%$*##@%^& Drop and give me 20. "You already got a kid?". Yes drill sergeant. "%$*##@%^& Drop and give me 20." and on and on. lol. Proud to say it was the only time in basic training that I had to do pushups as an individual. Almost made it out.