Upcoming TIP interview with JD

roud to say it was the only time in basic training that I had to do pushups as an individual.

Yeah, not quite my own experience.

I enlisted at 18 but broke my hand, whole different story, so reported to boot age 19. I also was a daddy. Had been on my own for a couple years working construction framing crews. Hard working, hard drinking, hard guys.

I found some of the stuff funny. Not good to chuckle in formation. I was always getting 'BLUES, you think this chit is funny?' 'weapon up! Jumping Jack's, forever, begin' one sir, two sir, three sir........ Three hundred sir, three hundred one sir,,,,,,
Yeah, not quite my own experience.

I enlisted at 18 but broke my hand, whole different story, so reported to boot age 19. I also was a daddy. Had been on my own for a couple years working construction framing crews. Hard working, hard drinking, hard guys.

I found some of the stuff funny. Not good to chuckle in formation. I was always getting 'BLUES, you think this chit is funny?' 'weapon up! Jumping Jack's, forever, begin' one sir, two sir, three sir........ Three hundred sir, three hundred one sir,,,,,,
Ahh you were one of those. There were times we wanted to kill the guy that had to laugh or smile or stare at the vein in the DI's forehead. lol
That reminds me of when I was on the midnight stock crew at Kroger 40 years ago. The store manager was a retired Marine Drill Sgt. His boss was in and gave the store a bad review. He started the ass chewing for the night crew out with, "Gentlemen...sh*t runs downhill. My boss just got through calling me everything but white.........".

He could talk some good sh*t, but not as good as
