Upcoming TIP interview with JD

Hey guys,

Sorry for the continued delays. The combination of AEP and a family member spending weeks in hospice and finally passing a couple of weeks ago has pretty much taken up every second of my head space and I couldn't manage to do anything else.

Things have settled now, so I'm hoping to get this finished and up tomorrow. If I can't I'm shooting the videos over to Matt to finish up.
Don't get me goin about those ****** Democrats!!!

Jeez, Tom, take it easy. Let's try to remember that we're all Americans. Not for nothing but my home county and the county I grew up, both of which went huge for Trump in 2016, have been long-held, mulit-generational Republican strongholds. Dems won them both big in 2018 and again yesterday. We don't even have a Republican on either board of county commissioners/supervisors now from the looks of it! I am now as sure that Trump will lose PA in 2020 as I was that he was going to win it in 2016. It isn't coming back to him, and it has nothing to do with the whole impeachment imbroglio.

Those who are able to step back from the ugliness are seeing just how ugly this all has become. Take a step back, clean your lenses, and join the Republicans and Democrats who want domestic peace and would rather go through life happy than angry.

Go ahead and watch this ... it will change your whole day :biggrin:

Those who are able to step back from the ugliness are seeing just how ugly this all has become. Take a step back, clean your lenses, and join the Republicans and Democrats who want domestic peace and would rather go through life happy than angry.

This is something we can all agree on.

I'm not sure I will vote for him again, and if I do, it wont be with the same enthusiasm.