Upcoming TIP interview with JD

Kutztown University - you've been in PA too long, Nick lol





JD's a real anglophile you know
Dang it! I have been in PA too long.

Ok so the questions are

How do you manage service work
David Day wants to know, Why do the Wildcats suck?
What do you think of FE Telesales
And will you ever drive a non American car?

Odd list, but I'll ask em.
Odd list, but I'll ask em.

Honestly you could talk to JD about country music and his favorite beers and I'd listen to him. And I don't listen to much country* and I don't drink beer at all (though I do cook my german sausages and kraut in it - I'm from PA Dutch country, you know).

*What country music I do listen to I have been largely introduced to by JD ...

Great song!