Upcoming TIP interview with JD

Honestly you could talk to JD about country music and his favorite beers and I'd listen to him. And I don't listen to much country* and I don't drink beer at all (though I do cook my german sausages and kraut in it - I'm from PA Dutch country, you know).

I believe his favorite beer is Yuengling, so that's easy.
What do you drink normally? Or not drink?

I very rarely drink anything other than water and coffee. I honestly have never really liked alcohol. I do like using beer and wine in cooking, but all the alcohol burns off during the cooking process. I just find anything with alcohol in it tastes like cough medicine.
I very rarely drink anything other than water and coffee. I honestly have never really liked alcohol. I do like using beer and wine in cooking, but all the alcohol burns off during the cooking process. I just find anything with alcohol in it tastes like cough medicine.

MMMMM cough medicine :spinny: