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US Health Group/US Health Advisors

We have more than one Plan option.. and it sounds like you don't know the details of the plan I believe your talking about. But if you would like to discuss, Please call 410-422-4977
we all know the plans you got and they are all capped on inpatient and outpatient and do not cover outpatiant drugs....I have a client eating over $1500 in meds..... the only non capped plan you have is a STM plan that lasts a year so you are still screwed if you get cancer........freedom life sucks.....just sell United Health STM......
My family has the Premier Choice upgradable plan Because we understand the plan and it just works for us. But in many cases that plan may not be the correct plan for the client so we have other plans, such as the Secure Advantage more traditional plan . If you would like to Please. 410-422-4977 love to help.
My family has the Premier Choice upgradable plan Because we understand the plan and it just works for us. But in many cases that plan may not be the correct plan for the client so we have other plans, such as the Secure Advantage more traditional plan . If you would like to Please. 410-422-4977 love to help.
My cancer treatment was $161,000 for chemo and immunotherapy plus another $38,000 for radiotherapy. That does not include any drs charges, home health care. Surgery, medication, etc.. How would your plans have handled that? It all took place over a five month period.
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You STILL did not answer the question as I suspected. You are a stooge for the greasebag company! Do your clients know that you cannot insure anyone with less than perfect health? And you have all the little minions, including my relative work below you….. making Ridiculous, annoying cold calls day and night to vulnerable people to scam money to sell your crap ponzu scheme!!
My relative working 60-80 hours a week. You brainwash your employees, strictly commission based. When they do make a sale you keep
It!! You’re the Scientology of Insurance Scams. You are not legitimate., I challenge you to show real satisfied customers! They do t exist! Now my sweet relative has been sucked into your club of Wall Street Wannabees with a pack of lies about living rich and flashy lifestyle!
My original question- my relative is in your pyramid MLM CULT!!! How do I go about helping them get out???? We need help. They are very threatening and bullying!!! I will not quit until this SCAM IS EXPOSED!!!
US HEALTH ADVISORS - SLEEZE AND CHEESE!!! do not use them - they are the biggest CROOKS ON THE MARKET!!!!!
scam! They are not there to help you. Just look at their employees!! They are not looking out for the client. The purpose is to make money! But the joke is - there is no product!!! You’ll never get coverage!!! You are a hideous company who brainwash your young, impressionable employees… I will make sure I can let as many people know what crooks you are. How you take advantage of children!!! That’s wage and child abuse!!! Shame on you…. Sleaze sleaze sleaze!!!!!!!! Go buy another flash suit!
Wow you people are horrible. I would be more than willing to discuss anything with anyone. but you don't know anything about me or the company that I represent. and just want to slander .All of your minds are made up about everything . .
USHealth Advisors promote Child abuse by not paying their young, new employees! Every so often they get a group dinner somewhere fancy with false promises of promotions! Who wins?? Certainly NOT THE CLIENT IN NEED OF INSURANCE? They get screwed! How do you live w your conscience? US Health Advisors should be shut down!!! Do not use this horrible, sick company!!
Sam- do yourself and your family a favor… GET A JOB! A real job!!! One where you can look someone in the eye and feel confident that you did right by them! It’s not all about the money! These grease bags will spit you out when they’ve used you!! US Health Advisors!!! Sleaze, Cheese, Thieves!!!
Sam- YOU STILL DID NOT ANSWER MY QUESTION?? HOW DO WE HELP A RELATIVE BEING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF WITH YOUR COMPANY?? They need help getting out but are being bullied and threatened. They’ve been averaging 60-80 hours a week - your fabulous company keeps all the money. But worse, your clients loose because you stick them with loads of unexpected bills! You kids do not have a clue at US HEALTH ADVISORS ABOUT CUSTOMER SERVICE OR HUMANS!! You’re sad!!! Pathetic company that abuses young people… taking advantage in more ways than one!!
just answer my question???