Very new to FE, Three questions.

I haven't tried it yet. California is a very hard place to do tele sales because of traffic and I'm just not comfortable going into anyone's home alone. I do have a great idea though. I'll post it..
I think you have no clue what your talking about and need to read less articles and spend more time in the field or on the phone lol.
As for the drop out rate... if you have been in this business for any time at all and are a student of the trade, and don't notice the wash out rate... you are neither a student nor a master of what practice. :no:

It gets touted all the time so it's easy to "notice", but is there ever a good source that gets cited to justify the number? Or is it used to sell training. Do more people leave because they want to do something else, or because they "wash out"?
Industry A, do this or you'll wash up and end up in industry B. We're special.
Industry B, do this or you'll wash up and end up in industry A. We're special.
I haven't tried it yet. California is a very hard place to do door knocking because of traffic and, I'm just not comfortable going into anyone's home alone. I do have a great idea though. I'll post it..
If you go door knocking in California, be careful that you don't step on any needles and don't step in any human waste(Nancy"s gift to you). It might be safer if you wear heals. :confused:

If you get in a bad situation, just holler for Markthebroker. He has a matching cape and tie and can fly...he can be there in a couple of minutes. :yes:
Great post! I appreciate your advice and THANK YOU for not insulting me. As far as training, Its always been the favorite part of my job. I agree, It can be so challenging for some. It takes patience and I feel like some trainers forget that there actually training a human being. If I hear that 90% of agents fail one more time I think I'll scream. How does that inspire and motivate anyone entering the industry. I completely understand I have a way to go before I'm a guru
Lol I'll get there, the question I always ask myself is how can I add value to the industry? What I was thinking of creating a place, platform, app, app, where we can pay it forward. I've had leads from let's say Ohio. and I know this lead is solid but, needs personal attention to close the deal. I'd

NOW, your talking my language. The Libs would kill me for sure. I'm telling you this state is being destroyed! I live 35 miles from the border in SD. I can't stand the politics here who the hell votes these pigs into office! There's actually still a lot of Republicans. Well, all of my friends We live near the beach cities and they're all safe zones lol lol. I'm actually near Camp Pendleton and all of my neighbors are military/republicans. It's great! So we're here root us on because we need all the help we can get! You know I didn't get a job because I'm a republican! Really, I was told we see things far to differently. I'm like, yep we do! I will never stand before the Lord and feel like I've failed him ❤️❤️ Trump 2020 Whoot Whoot
I lived in SD in Jr High & High School. Ronald Reagan was governor and Pete Wilson was mayor. Talk about the good old days!

If it ever gets too rough for you, come on over to Texas! No beach, but you won't feel like a stranger. It seems like about half the population in my community are from SoCal! When In-N-Out Burgers opened a location near me, people went crazy. It was a month before the drive through lines were less than an hour!
NOW, your talking my language. The Libs would kill me for sure. I'm telling you this state is being destroyed! I live 35 miles from the border in SD. I can't stand the politics here who the hell votes these pigs into office! There's actually still a lot of Republicans. Well, all of my friends We live near the beach cities and they're all safe zones lol lol. I'm actually near Camp Pendleton and all of my neighbors are military/republicans. It's great! So we're here root us on because we need all the help we can get! You know I didn't get a job because I'm a republican! Really, I was told we see things far to differently. I'm like, yep we do! I will never stand before the Lord and feel like I've failed him ❤️❤️ Trump 2020 Whoot Whoot
Build That Wall!!! :yes:
Hi Sweet Jerry,
How are you this evening? Are you or any of the guys on LinkedIn? Also is there anyway I could have a conversation with any of you. I just have some questions and it's so hard to write back and forth. Please let me know thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️
God bless
I'm not on LinkedIn, also there are some more experienced agents on here that can help you much more than me. Good luck.
Okay thank you Jerry,
I really appreciate you getting back with me so quickly. Sometime this week I'll take the time to write it out and post it. It's definitely the conservatives against the libs and my daughters in laws are the worst libs ever lol
I think Jerry's a lib. :D (But still seems like a nice guy! ;))
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New Ideas are great. But they all have a hurdle to overcome... regardless of how you approach the business, the one thing in common that we all face each and every day is human nature. This is why from my observations, the old methods still work if you will work them.

Technology may help in reaching the masses, it may assist in making things (apps, quoting, underwriting, follow-up, ect.) easier, but technology for all its glory cannot take someone who; will not work, will not learn to listen, who doesn't know how or when to close and make them a great salesman.

As for the drop out rate... if you have been in this business for any time at all and are a student of the trade, and don't notice the wash out rate... you are neither a student nor a master of what practice. :no:

That is some good stuff right there.