Video Upload Website


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I have some videos that I wanted to share with some people. I've tried to place them on youtube but they are longer then 10 mins and they won't accept them. I can't email them because they are over 16mb.

Do any of you know of a good website or way to share videos, that are over 10 mins long?

I'm trying the also, but it is not showing the video, just the audio right now.
Okay, Viddler website is messed up tonight. All of the videos that I posted on the free site are not working. I hope they fix it.

I might have to find another free hosting site. youtube will only allow me to put video up to 10 mins on them. A lot of my videos are much longer then 10 mins.

Does anyone have a good video hosting website, that will allow me to embed the videos or link to them?

It seems to be working fine for me. I'm currently watching the UHL Training Video and the screen has another one of yours listed called UHL FE products. .