Wal-Mart Scooter-Rider Gets Rated Down to Monumental's Easy Solution

Monumental asks if you have used where many apps ask if you are confined to

Big difference.

Monumental also considers sleep apnea as oxygen use according to their new app.

They'll decline a CPAP user for an SIWL? That's crazy. I recently got a 65 year old CPAP user a $1M GUL with a preferred rating. I was surprised it issued as preferred, but more surprised that he'd have been declined for ML for a burial policy.

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Monumental asks if you have used where many apps ask if you are confined to

Big difference.

Monumental also considers sleep apnea as oxygen use according to their new app.

That really sucks. Well that's one I won't be getting appointed with.
So the CPAP user went from wanting a burial policy to getting a one million dollar GUL?
You sir, are a star.

No. He did not want FE. Just making the point that ML's kooky UW would decline for an FE an applicant who could get preferred on a $1M app.

I am a rock star, but for other reasons.

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In California, we still have the old Monumental product so I don't have these issues.... I pray everyday Calif doesn't accept the new product, lol.

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