Watching Lincoln Heritage Live On Facebook...

The number one reason for small business failures is undercapitalization. When you add trying to live like you have already made it on top of that, it is almost sure to be a disaster.p

That's not called being "undercapitalized". That's called poor decision making, which is rampant on this website.

You ever notice how most IMOs here never "fail"? It cost nothing to get started, very little overhead, and almost no investment. That's why most of these IMOs are run out of homes.

Same for most the lead vendors here. They take your money to buy leads at their reduced cost, then they keep the spread. Again, little overhead and no investment. Anyone can go direct to the source and get the exact same price as the "vendor" is getting. I mean seriously, $7.50 for an illegal avatar? RIP OFF

This is not the real business world folks. What we are witnessing is amateur hour, where we have people preying of new, ignorant, uneducated, and inexperienced licensed insurance producers, who will never make it because they are being taken advantage of here.

The largest IMOs/NMOs are not active users here. They are a REAL business and don't count on internet fights for free publicity.


speaking of FE Peeps,

look at the message JOHN GALT just left for me on my website

Decimal: 1658520898
ASN: 7922
ISP: Comcast Cable
Organization: Comcast Cable

User Name Yo Daddy

You are a faggy faggy alcolholic and drug addict. I feel sorry for your kids. They got a nut job and ass clown for a dad.

Classic comments from the LeadJerk and founder of FEXUNIVERSITY !!!!

Long live the LeadJerk!!!

Do people actually buy leads from this guy? He also called me a "hussy" in a public forum, and cursed me out through PM. Isnt that against the forum rules?

I'll stick to my first impression: Anyone selling leads here is because they can't sell insurance. Plain and simple.

Remember to always buy with a credit card so you can dispute the charges, or the legality of the leads.
speaking of FE Peeps,

look at the message JOHN GALT just left for me on my website

Decimal: 1658520898
ASN: 7922
ISP: Comcast Cable
Organization: Comcast Cable

User Name Yo Daddy

You are a faggy faggy alcolholic and drug addict. I feel sorry for your kids. They got a nut job and ass clown for a dad.

Classic comments from the LeadJerk and founder of FEXUNIVERSITY !!!!

Long live the LeadJerk!!!

Well...I see nothing has really changed here. I'm glad to see Im not the only one getting these ridiculous immature "private" comments like a coward would only do.

That set aside for a min....

I have broken this down a bunch of times but it's been awhile so let me explain in detail how those crooks at LH make their dough as managers.....

I used to be part of that scumbag management team and learned alot...on how to be a crook at least.

You hire the agent. The agent is told how rich you become and how you start getting your back end at the end of your first month. But your back end is the rest of your advances. Not earnings. So for example...

You get your 75% advance(9 months) up front. Like normal. But in the REAL insurance get the rest on months 10, 11 and 12 then your renewal on month 13 assuming it's still on the books.

What LH does is take months 10, 11 and 12 and divide it up by 12 months and start to pay that as a "paythru" at the end of your first month.

But...they take all of your paythru at the end of the month to pay back any debt you have like leads and/or chargebacks. Eventually...the idea is you pay off your debt and still get some of your paythru.

Its a GREAT system I will say. Genius. It's dangling that carrot in front of the agent. I talk with LH agents all the time and every single one of them eventually rely on that check and do very little selling. So...they can't afford to leave them after a couple years IF they make it that far.

Now...this is where Troy and Jennings and the rest of the gangsta FE thugs make their money....

1st...the RD's DEFINITELY charge AT LEAST $1 per lead EXTRA and pocket that cost. That is straight from the home office. They would tell me "you should charge a dollar also for just your time". I kid you not.

Next...lets say you write business and as leave under 2 years? You get demand letters...2 of them at month 30 and month 60 to pay ALL your debt. ALL advances, chargebacks and lead debt or set up a payment plan to pay it off within 12 months. We all know 99% of agents either won't or can't afford to do that. So your "debt" rolls up to your immediate upline. It is then charged to your upline and LH leaves you the agent alone. Now...that debt is paid off from the uplines paythru and once paid off...your earnings and rest of advances now goes to your upline.

My paythru sometimes would go up $1500 literally in one month from that very exact scenario.

This same scenario is the same reason LH has the LOWEST renewals in the industry. Because their "smoke n mirrors" paythru is farse to the ignorant agent who doesn't understand or do their own fact checking.

I will say....I run the same exact pay structure as far as paythru goes in my Columbus office. When an agent gets something...anything as far as a month end when tey first get started it's a light at the end of tunnel. Add in that we pay commissions via W2 instead of 1099....LH doesn't really have the best system in place for their agent anymore.

There ya have it.
An interesting look into the heart of the beast... Lots of agents who were going to do AIL and went LH instead... About 50 people packed into a room... 5 people LIVE watching...
they gots to sign a waiver before going to Brads house in Ohio because Brad doesn't trust his agents not to sue him for some of that money he scraped off their hard working backs.


Actually I think that's pretty cool to build that type of attitude and culture. And to be able to do it with the prices and platform at Lincoln Heritage makes it even more impressive. That Troy Miles guy looks like he has done well for himself
Its a con job. They like to say fake it before you really make it. They buy cars and houses to impress these young agents but don't tell them that the hard working agents pay for it all. It's a joke LH


I was impressed with them until they went into the parking lot and looked at their cars. Holy crap I'll bet not a single one of them owns a paid off car. If that group finds the insurance forum, it's all over.
Those cars are leased and they get repo monthly no insurance and no car payments made after first one. They fake it before they make it.


Just ignore Newby. He's a bitter old Marketer on this forum. If you don't contract under him you'll never be successful. How would Newby/GingerNinja/Lois Einhorn/Ray finkel know if a cars paid off or not? Why would anyone care about that? Yes, with the LH group in Pittsburgh, you are correct, that they are mainly Minority agents. They even get free air time on local news stations from time to time, doing a 5 minute free infomerical to recruit new agents. They actually do a good job of marketing themselves with ethnic groups, churches, etc. While I think the product is over priced, they are actually doing a decent job for the community, and working with these lower income clientele. Some of these people remain loyal to LH, and won't replace with a cheaper policy due to the relationships they have with the agents. Not everyone buys off of price only. This LH group is proof to this.
You have no idea what's going on with that group. Been there done that myself. Watch same video meeting next month and half of those agents will be gone and 2 of those cars will be repo. Yes


Trust me. It wouldn't be over for 99% of those agents. They spend an inordinate amount of time beating into their agents' heads that nobody does business like LH, no agent makes money like those with LH, and anyone who thinks otherwise is chastised and an outcast, banished from the group. What you are witnessing is quintessential Jim Jones, One True Religion stuff. And trust me, gentlemen, it is all purposeful and intentional with the goal of mind control. "Preach independence, but enforce dependence." Truth is LH agents are different from you and I. The slaves love their chains, so to speak. And all would probably flop horribly working in our type of setup, Lone Ranger style. I should share my mass LH recruiting experience with you guys sometime to drive home the point.
you are correct my friend


Well...I see nothing has really changed here. I'm glad to see Im not the only one getting these ridiculous immature "private" comments like a coward would only do. That set aside for a min.... I have broken this down a bunch of times but it's been awhile so let me explain in detail how those crooks at LH make their dough as managers..... I used to be part of that scumbag management team and learned alot...on how to be a crook at least. You hire the agent. The agent is told how rich you become and how you start getting your back end at the end of your first month. But your back end is the rest of your advances. Not earnings. So for example... You get your 75% advance(9 months) up front. Like normal. But in the REAL insurance get the rest on months 10, 11 and 12 then your renewal on month 13 assuming it's still on the books. What LH does is take months 10, 11 and 12 and divide it up by 12 months and start to pay that as a "paythru" at the end of your first month. But...they take all of your paythru at the end of the month to pay back any debt you have like leads and/or chargebacks. Eventually...the idea is you pay off your debt and still get some of your paythru. Its a GREAT system I will say. Genius. It's dangling that carrot in front of the agent. I talk with LH agents all the time and every single one of them eventually rely on that check and do very little selling. So...they can't afford to leave them after a couple years IF they make it that far. Now...this is where Troy and Jennings and the rest of the gangsta FE thugs make their money.... 1st...the RD's DEFINITELY charge AT LEAST $1 per lead EXTRA and pocket that cost. That is straight from the home office. They would tell me "you should charge a dollar also for just your time". I kid you not. Next...lets say you write business and as leave under 2 years? You get demand letters...2 of them at month 30 and month 60 to pay ALL your debt. ALL advances, chargebacks and lead debt or set up a payment plan to pay it off within 12 months. We all know 99% of agents either won't or can't afford to do that. So your "debt" rolls up to your immediate upline. It is then charged to your upline and LH leaves you the agent alone. Now...that debt is paid off from the uplines paythru and once paid off...your earnings and rest of advances now goes to your upline. My paythru sometimes would go up $1500 literally in one month from that very exact scenario. This same scenario is the same reason LH has the LOWEST renewals in the industry. Because their "smoke n mirrors" paythru is farse to the ignorant agent who doesn't understand or do their own fact checking. I will say....I run the same exact pay structure as far as paythru goes in my Columbus office. When an agent gets something...anything as far as a month end when tey first get started it's a light at the end of tunnel. Add in that we pay commissions via W2 instead of 1099....LH doesn't really have the best system in place for their agent anymore. There ya have it.
Dead on truth he knows the LH system. Bet
they gots to sign a waiver before going to Brads house in Ohio because Brad doesn't trust his agents not to sue him for some of that money he scraped off their hard working backs.


Its a con job. They like to say fake it before you really make it. They buy cars and houses to impress these young agents but don't tell them that the hard working agents pay for it all. It's a joke LH


Those cars are leased and they get repo monthly no insurance and no car payments made after first one. They fake it before they make it.


You have no idea what's going on with that group. Been there done that myself. Watch same video meeting next month and half of those agents will be gone and 2 of those cars will be repo. Yes


you are correct my friend


Dead on truth he knows the LH system. Bet

If you go back and research some of my original posts on can connect the dots. Jennings was a total nobody when I joined him. He had his boyhood friend Justin Howard as his sidekick. aka...bitch. Bard couldn't sell squat. He just got in at the right time. When I joined him he was doing $75K a month only in Dayton and Cinci. We paid $15 a lead and me and my 2 bro n laws would drive 3 hours each way to run leads. 15 hour days. 4 years later I had agents in OH, PA and MN under me. Justin only had 3 agents even though I was under him.

I showed them how to door knock w/o appts. I even took Justin to Pittsburg with me and showed him how to do recruiting meetings in Hotels and filed training. I introduced the idea of Monday training class...Tues and Weds field training.

They didn't even have a presentation book when we cam on board. I introduced a presentation book.

I saw Jennings do one sale. It was a home office rewrite. He talk sin his meetings how he brought himself out of poverty and sold $20K a month. Bullshit. His parents babied him and put him on cloud 9. I know his parents or did well. Went to their anniversary party. Stayed at their house. Brad sold $20K one month and he admitted it was mostly off home office referrals.

God bless him for his wealth. But his moto says everything about him and his character. "WIT...Whatever It Takes". So true. He will FU%$ you over without thinking twice.

It won't last. When you continue to destroy people and their lives...the wealth will disappear. He told me when I left him..."I hate to see you leave. You will be a good competitor." I told him "you are no competitor. LOL".

I def don't make as much a him and it def sucks. For sure. But he could never do what I have done in the telesales world. If he doesn't embrace the telesales aspect...his cars and homes will be repo'd eventually also.
Lincoln Heritage has a good marketing lead program from what I've seen here... they are everywhere here in Florida... What is an agents comm rate like 75% advance 6 months? It's gotta be with the amount they spend on mailouts..They dont like me in Tampa... I get calls all the time from agents leaving me nasty messages about replacing...
An interesting look into the heart of the beast...

Lots of agents who were going to do AIL and went LH instead...

About 50 people packed into a room...

5 people LIVE watching...

Can anyone send me rates on 6k female non tobacco age 59 with diabetic neuropathy. Not sure if they consider that ROP or Immediate.
That would be there modified program next time you replace them just keep the policy as a reference for their underwriting
Lincoln Heritage has a good marketing lead program from what I've seen here... they are everywhere here in Florida... What is an agents comm rate like 75% advance 6 months? It's gotta be with the amount they spend on mailouts..They dont like me in Tampa... I get calls all the time from agents leaving me nasty messages about replacing...
keep it up. Keep it up.
speaking of FE Peeps,

look at the message JOHN GALT just left for me on my website

Decimal: 1658520898
ASN: 7922
ISP: Comcast Cable
Organization: Comcast Cable

User Name Yo Daddy

You are a faggy faggy alcolholic and drug addict. I feel sorry for your kids. They got a nut job and ass clown for a dad.

Classic comments from the LeadJerk and founder of FEXUNIVERSITY !!!!

Long live the LeadJerk!!!
I didn't know the LJ was part of Fex.. -- Pretty brutal way to talk with someone..