We All Use Them What Are Some of Yours?

You can only afford insurance when you don't need it, when you need it, you can't afford it.

That's a variation on something I say.

Insurance is an irrational purchase. You buy it when you don't need it then pray you never use it.
Some of my favorites are

"Does this sound like something that would help?" because it gives them the option to let me know any of their objections and is very non-threatening.

"If you have any questions about ANY insurance, give me a call and I can help" which works even better if you have a network of colleagues that fill in your gaps.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" Since you've already made the relationship with them, this helps button down the sale and open the door for something else.
I really like that one!

How about "I can't think of any reason why this isn't a good idea for you - can you?"