Historically whenever the Federal Government steps into the private sector, supposedly to IMPROVE or FIX whatever seems to need fixing . . .here's what happens. Out comes the tools and a lot of dust is created, and the Media gets something to write about, there is a lot of political jousting . . .and sometimes a lot of good gets done . . .and sometimes not. However, at the end of the day when the federal Fixers have fixed the problem, put their tools up and go home. The dust settles. Oh yes, the "FIXERS" have fixed a lot of the known problems but because of "BIG GOVERNMENT INEFFIENCEY" they have inadvertently created a lot more problems . . .which now need to be fixed. These are called "NEW OPPORTUNITIES".
It is my opinion that when the DUST SETTLES . . .no matter what happens in NOVEMBER 2012 or if PPACA is indeed fully implemented in 2014 the opportunities will at least be as good as they are now or better . . .for those who have the patience to recognize them. It is our job as agents in the private sector to come back and point out (to clients and prospects) all of the problems in the new system . . .no matter what the new system is . . .and supply the solution. This is how we get paid. Going forward those of us that have the fortitude to do this will get paid well!! Whereever there is a demand we must supply . . .and a DEMAND there will always be!
It is my opinion that when the DUST SETTLES . . .no matter what happens in NOVEMBER 2012 or if PPACA is indeed fully implemented in 2014 the opportunities will at least be as good as they are now or better . . .for those who have the patience to recognize them. It is our job as agents in the private sector to come back and point out (to clients and prospects) all of the problems in the new system . . .no matter what the new system is . . .and supply the solution. This is how we get paid. Going forward those of us that have the fortitude to do this will get paid well!! Whereever there is a demand we must supply . . .and a DEMAND there will always be!