Web Marketing Training


Just a question in general do you think insurance agents would be interested in a complete marketing course that covers everything from website design,seo and video marketing. Just a survey.
hey.....how about instead tell us about your website and how little money it would cost me if I hired you.......
i dont build websites for agents im a p&c agent and i run 35 websites selling different insurance products. i have a lot of my company reps send me other agents asking me questions so i was looking to see how much interest there would be if i did a full blown video traing class for agents, i do all my own SEO and website building i get google page rankings in a month or less not months. i have taken lots of internet marketing classes from some of the best Internet marketers in the business and i use those social media techniques to run my agency websites which generate 20 to 30 new apps a month on a consitent basis. so i was just gauging how much intrest there would be in a training program that covers it all from A-Z and no it wont be cheap. It wasnt cheap for me to learn it all , Just trying to see if worth building class or just mentor the agents that already want me to help them. google search fr44 insurance and you will see fr44fast that is one of my agency websites that has pulled in over a 100,000 of new business premium in the last year. you know the old saying give a man a fish he eats for the day teach a man to fish he eats for life.
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wow...did not see this coming .....really...we are so lucky to have you...
Super...Please show us your 10 most successful websites. Seriously...I'm curious. I checked the fr44 sites and I must be looking at the wrong sites. They look relatively new, have few links and don't seem to be optimized for any key words worth anything.

Where's Dave? Let him check them out. And if you're unlucky...you'll be called a snapperhead!
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