Web Marketing Training

that is my most succesful site and yes it has few links and still ranks :) but its a niche market .bottome line is it produces business and google danville auto insurance quote and you will find my agency page cochran insurance agency and then google cheap fr44 insurance and you will see why if you pay attention. my fr44 site has run for 3 years. but its a new design in wordpress and yea it has very few links but still ranks i wonder why wrote 5 policies just last week off that site. :)
ps you dont always find me on google. google is not gonna be the number one search engine in a few months wonder who will be.
ps like your site looks good. and to be honest dont have all my domains running i actually just gave up the 9-5 thing to finish up all my sites i like buying domain name but i can tell you this less than a month ago my agency website cochran insurance was not on front page because i was looking to grow my agency in the state and not local area i just started that process a month ago. im not looking to fight with people on here was just trying to be part of the community. Just trying to help share a little information.
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... google search fr44 insurance and you will see fr44fast that is one of my agency websites that has pulled in over a 100,000 of new business premium in the last year. you know the old saying give a man a fish he eats for the day teach a man to fish he eats for life.
To be perfectly candid, your fr44fast site in quite unattractive. The tiled background is "dizzying". On top of that, what good is SEO if you haven't run spellcheck? You have the word "privilege" spelled "PRIVILEDGE".

If that style web site is working for you, then great. But my honest feedback is that the site is simply painful from a visual point of view. Ordinarily I would not provide this critique unsolicited, but I believe you solicited it by referring to it as your best work.
thank you. when the yellow pages only bring in 27 new calls in a month ill take it . New customers that i didnt have before. Lots of P&C agents would love to have 5 extra apps a week. so glad your business is doing so well you dont need 5 more customers a week.
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Thank you larry for the feed back, I just relaunched the site i have lots of projects working on so i appreciate in grammer checks but the site keeps bringing in business so i am trying to work on a designs i like that work so luckily when i move to word press i can keep playing with different themes. and its ranked on front page of google,yahoo and bing so something must work as far as Seo. but yes i am a terrible speller and need constant supervision i try to spell check often.
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not being snarky I appreciate things pointed out that i can improve on and grammar is definitely one of them, Wife has already pointed things in my agency website im working on. But im just an agent like you guys trying to sell some insurance,
My company is planning to take up training for our staff online, a different approach to the contemporary off line seminars. I would like to know whether any websites out there can help us in delivering best content and trainers on sales, marketing, time management, prospecting, etc,. and how long these web seminars lasts? what's the price they are going to charge to attend these trainings?