Website Advice


I just purchased 6 domain names, and I know nothing about hosting and having a website. I will probably use Hostgator (which I am leaning towards) or Hostmonster, still trying to decide. My domains are:

youromegagroup dot com -will be main agency site unless I find something else
omegaquotes dot com
Louisianaquotes dot net
Mississippiquotes dot net
Louisianamedicareplans dot com
Mississippimedicareplans dot com

Should I have separate and distinct websites? Should I forward them to one website? I want to have them up around August 1st. Any guidance or pointers will be greatly appreciated.
If the content is different...separate sites. For example...You could have two La sites...One for 65 and over and the other for different lines of insurance.

All up and running by August? What's the hurry? Quality counts.
If the content is different...separate sites. For example...You could have two La sites...One for 65 and over and the other for different lines of insurance.

All up and running by August? What's the hurry? Quality counts.

I need at least one by August, my main site. I want to be able to have my website and email address on my business cards.
I'm a huge fan of hostgator (affiliate link). Their online support is available 24X7 and goes above and beyond.

As far as your sites go, simply forwarding them to your main site isn't going to do much. Northwestern Mutual has which points directly to their site, which I think is a phenomenal mistake on their part. If your goal in building out the sites is to get additional traffic, you really need to build them all out unique.

You probably want to focus on building your main site up and then the additional ones. There are a lot of sites competing with you on those domains so you'll want to possibly focus on only one or two at first and build out some solid content vs having a handful of severely underdeveloped websites.
Thanks for the advice. I will focus on Agency site first so I have a presence. And then start working on the others.

Do you think it would be bad to have my Miss and LA sites mirror each other for the most part (medicare mirror medicare and the quotes mirror quotes) as far as the meat of my content.
Take baby steps! Getting your first site up and getting traffic to one site is going to be hard enough, much less worrying about six sites at once.

Launch a website with (build your site here) and you'll have it live by lunchtime tomorrow. Then you can focus on the important part - getting people to your site! It's free for 30 days, so if you still want to invest the time building a site yourself at hostgator and writing all of the content yourself, you can do that.
