Website Feedback

It has a good look to it. I like the fact that the phone number is displayed prominently. Your length of time is business is impressive. That fact can be a difference-maker.

I strongly suggest that you a graphic with a strong call to action well "above the fold."
IMHO it is very nice, clean website that makes it easy to click for information. I am particularly impressed with the location button that includes maps of your offices. All the information and especially the contact information is upfront. I for one am impressed.
You may want to consider what keywords you are targeting and how you plan to drive traffic to your site.

If your agency has great name recognition and people are googling your business name then a URL and Meta Titles featuring "Headley Insurance" works fine.

If your goal is to attract traffic from people not familiar with your agency, you may want to consider building your pages around something more targeted like "florida life insurance", florida auto insurance".
Thanks for the input everybody! As far as the keywords we are looking to target clients that are not familiar with our name, my thought also was to change some of the key words to emphasize "Florida or Lakeland Insurance". Also .com has been taken by a company in the UK, as soon as it becomes available we will be buying it.
The 'Cover Flow' is nice touch as I haven't seen that on any insurance based websites...Might won't to see if your developer can have it flow on 'hoover' versus click and the first click goes to the corresponding page as it does become more interactive and user friendly (less clicks).

Also might like to see 'About | Contact | Locations' in the header navigation as well, just so it is as prominent as the lines of business you are writing.

One last thought, having less images (specifically the navigation) and more text based links will help with load time, not that your load time was that slow. Makes for easier future changes as well (no having to create new images).

Great job overall.