Website is # 1 on Google?


1000 Post Club
I typed in the keywords "medicare supplement answers" this morning and my site came up first on Google.

Does this mean that only people who type in these exact words will find my site? Do you have any suggustions that will have my site found by other keywords, and what do you think the chances are someone is going to type in the words "medicare supplement answers?"

Any opinions are appreciated.
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The answer? Zero.
Does this mean that only people who type in these exact words will find my site?

Yes, it does. Your domain name, as the keyword, is the first thing that Google will find. Good choice of domain name. Using the Google keyword search tool, though, that keyword combination is not being used - not enough to register, anyway.

You can see how your site's doing and get good recommendations here:
SEO Scores : Free Website Analysis : Online SEO Tools

A good place to start getting searches from your keywords is to have keywords on your site. It's the second stop for the Google spider. There are no metadata keywords on your site at all.

Hope it helps!
Sorry, you are not on page one on google... try logging out and do it again... and u may need to clean up up saved serches as google tracks where u have been and recent serches and thats why your site came up... it was a false reading.

on my site for my primary serch term i come up on page one position 2... however if u serch through my cell phone on google i am page one poosition 5 (still great) but as u can see false reading....

this is a common mistake for people to make and u get a fales sense of success....
Does this mean that only people who type in these exact words will find my site?

The exact phrase would need to be typed in as the search phrase. Which I did and there you were. To healthagent's point, seems not to be a popular search term so you'll need to expand upon the keywords associated to your site.

Use Daytona_Guy's advice to start to understand where you sit and build from there. If you think prospects are going to search for MedSupp, what other phrases, terms or keywords do you think they might use?
You have to think like a shopper. If you're shopping for a HDTV would you type in "hdtv answers?" No.

You'd type in stuff like:

How to compare hdtv's
hdtv information
how to buy a hdtv
hdtv basics
shopping for hdtv's

I'm pretty sure there are people with 2-3 months experience building sites that can help with this. They are what are called "experts."

Sorry, you are not on page one on google... try logging out and do it again... and u may need to clean up up saved serches as google tracks where u have been and recent serches and thats why your site came up... it was a false reading.

on my site for my primary serch term i come up on page one position 2... however if u serch through my cell phone on google i am page one poosition 5 (still great) but as u can see false reading....

this is a common mistake for people to make and u get a fales sense of success....

I checked and I am still there but the problem is I have no idea I got there or how to stay there. That is why I posted the question on the forum. I really appreciate all of the help.