Website Owners


5000 Post Club
I have a problem. Chronic rectal itch. It all started...Oh. Wrong Forum.

OK. Here's the problem for this Forum:

Somebody (another broker) in Pa (not Arnie!) is using my quote engine to run quotes. Usually 1-2 per day. Usually in the Philly area. The names are bogus but clearly they are using the information , presumably for their use.

Can you easily track the IP address or identity of visitors to your website? I can probably pinpoint the time, if needed.

Thanks. Now...back to itching.
Yes you can, depending how you built it.

If you run a fake quote on my site it'll block you.
Where do you find this information? The C Panel somewhere?

I don't mind fake quotes coming in with fake names etc... I get a few sales per month from them. But when the same person is using it over and over...that's different.
every web host is different. but it's easy with most to pull ip addresses. see if your webhost has an analytics or site stats function. if so click on that, and then click on visitors.
The IP address is an environmental variable. In php you capture it with the following line of code:

$ip_address = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");

Once you have the IP address, you can store and manipulate it just like any other string you capture when a person completes one of your forms. Other strings include names and addresses.
I can block ip numbers from any of my websites...

It also gives me their ip number when they fill out the info thing.