Wellcare paying no commissions on pdp’s

I get that. But why can’t they charge $5/mo premium and keep commissions?
The Biden administration made DRASTIC changes way too quickly, but Centene is almost a $3 BILLION dollar yearly company. Will they take some losses on PDP's, as will other companies? Of course.

But this move to steal our renewals was complete and total bullshit and it was completely unnecessary. They still make PLENTY of money, and they could easily charge a few dollars for the plans to make up for it.

Nothing is free and I don't believe in "free" anything, anyway. Everyone on this earth can contribute at least a little something to any service they get. Even if it's only $5-$10/month.

This Yvette girl is a brand new member here and is likely just a WellCare employee that's making excuses for big global corporate greed.
Losing renewals was a kick in the balls. I am going to reup with WellCare since I’ve already taken the course work and I still have two MAs with WC but I’m done with them. Unless I see they are head and shoulders better than the others they won’t get my business. Poor judgement to withhold agents earned commission. As for the MA business in general, it’s the wild Wild West. Not a day goes by I don’t receive calls text messages and such from other agents trying to sell me a MAPD. All illegal practices. This mess won’t stop until they lower the pay on MA plans. It will be a blow to us all but it would run these greedy, lying, losers into another field of work. Seniors should be smart enough to trust somebody they’ve worked with for years but every month a client gets sucked by lies to enroll into a MA plan or change one. It’s lawlessness.
Yeah man I don’t know about this lower pay. I sure as hell earn that $25 a month they pay us. If anything pay needs to go way the hell up and they need to close all the call centers.

Get rid of the 48 hour scope. Get rid of scopes in general.

All the regs in this market are f*cking awful.
If you ask me, something ain’t right in Denmark with the $0 part D plans.
Somebody’s getting something somewhere. I guarantee it. Hopefully one day a whistleblower or an investigation will uncover the scheme and it’ll all come tumbling down.

You do know how part D plans get paid right?
Yeah man I don’t know about this lower pay. I sure as hell earn that $25 a month they pay us. If anything pay needs to go way the hell up and they need to close all the call centers.

Get rid of the 48 hour scope. Get rid of scopes in general.

All the regs in this market are f*cking awful.
CMS should at the very least give agents the options to charge a servicing fee equivalent to the benchmark commission if the plan pays $0 commission. It would only be the fair thing to do.
CMS should at the very least give agents the options to charge a servicing fee equivalent to the benchmark commission if the plan pays $0 commission. It would only be the fair thing to do.
If there is a lawsuit, this is where it should focus on. We now have clients that we earn $0 money on, have to service (even by the verbiage of the WellCare contractual agreement), and CMS also says we can't charge a fee. Last time I checked, slave labor was outlawed long ago.

Something has to give on this. CMS should mandate that all carriers pay the required CMS-dictated SMALL PEANUTS commission, and if not, we are then allowed to charge a fee. This is a joke-and-a-half and something needs to give here.

None of these people should have to pay a fee, since they paid into Medicare for so long, but this shit company and CMS have put us in a VERY difficult position here. This whole situation is a joke. Just another day in clown world 🤡🌍.

If you want to be in the Medicare Advantage program, as an insurance carrier, then the commissions are what they are and you have to pay them. Period. End of story. That should be the rule.
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CMS should at the very least give agents the options to charge a servicing fee equivalent to the benchmark commission if the plan pays $0 commission. It would only be the fair thing to do.

If we really want CMS to do anything, then we will likely need to inform our politicians, and lean on them to do what's right, and also get the media on our side. politicians will want the positive press.

It's probably not a bad idea to start putting together a real game plan. We can't just wait around for them to do something we dont like, and then go on defense. We need to play offense and defense.
That seems like a supercilious and elitist attitude to me.
I’m not intending to be elitist. I’m saying this product has a long history of being sold unethically to clients who don’t know any better. Thats not every FE agent but if you fill a room with agents who do focus on it, more than half of them will be turds.
I’m not intending to be elitist. I’m saying this product has a long history of being sold unethically to clients who don’t know any better. Thats not every FE agent but if you fill a room with agents who do focus on it, more than half of them will be turds.
That’s total bs . Just like you flip every mapd you run into is all fuzzy and ethical . Once you pay all the families time and time again $10-$20k they desperately need you wouldn’t say that
That’s total bs . Just like you flip every mapd you run into is all fuzzy and ethical . Once you pay all the families time and time again $10-$20k they desperately need you wouldn’t say that
I have no idea what you are trying to say. If you’re saying it’s unethical to flip someone’s MA only to make a buck, I agree.