Wellcare paying no commissions on pdp’s

so you are saying final expense agents are weak and unscrupulous insurance agents?
the ones who focus on it? As a category, pretty much yeah on the unscrupulous part, given that low dollar final expense insurance is usually a trash product bought by the uninformed or easily misled.
this is about to get good
Dis Gonna Be Good Jason Momoa GIF
the ones who focus on it? As a category, pretty much yeah on the unscrupulous part, given that low dollar final expense insurance is usually a trash product bought by the uninformed or easily misled.
Lol lol . Jd will have something to say about that .Thats the stupidest most uninformed statement I’ve ever heard. How’s it a trash product for someone who has very little means and is in bad health ? It fills a big need so the persons burial not a burden on the family .
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Losing renewals was a kick in the balls. I am going to reup with WellCare since I’ve already taken the course work and I still have two MAs with WC but I’m done with them. Unless I see they are head and shoulders better than the others they won’t get my business. Poor judgement to withhold agents earned commission. As for the MA business in general, it’s the wild Wild West. Not a day goes by I don’t receive calls text messages and such from other agents trying to sell me a MAPD. All illegal practices. This mess won’t stop until they lower the pay on MA plans. It will be a blow to us all but it would run these greedy, lying, losers into another field of work. Seniors should be smart enough to trust somebody they’ve worked with for years but every month a client gets sucked by lies to enroll into a MA plan or change one. It’s lawlessness.
Losing renewals was a kick in the balls. I am going to reup with WellCare since I’ve already taken the course work and I still have two MAs with WC but I’m done with them. Unless I see they are head and shoulders better than the others they won’t get my business. Poor judgement to withhold agents earned commission. As for the MA business in general, it’s the wild Wild West. Not a day goes by I don’t receive calls text messages and such from other agents trying to sell me a MAPD. All illegal practices. This mess won’t stop until they lower the pay on MA plans. It will be a blow to us all but it would run these greedy, lying, losers into another field of work. Seniors should be smart enough to trust somebody they’ve worked with for years but every month a client gets sucked by lies to enroll into a MA plan or change one. It’s lawlessness.
Lower the pay?? It's already hard enough to survive in this economy. If anything, the pay should be higher on all these plans. The constant stress of this job and constant hoops you have to jump through that are involved are astronomical. Hate to say it but much of that is because this Biden government administration cannot stop f**cking with this program, constantly. LEAVE IT ALONE. And those calls you're getting are from overseas call mills that don't give a shit about any rules, not any mom and pop regular agent that has absolutely everything to lose. Many of those calls are also ruse scams that use Medicare as an excuse to try and get your Medicare card number. How about just going after the rogue elements and stop punishing absolutely everyone?
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Losing renewals was a kick in the balls. I am going to reup with WellCare since I’ve already taken the course work and I still have two MAs with WC but I’m done with them. Unless I see they are head and shoulders better than the others they won’t get my business. Poor judgement to withhold agents earned commission. As for the MA business in general, it’s the wild Wild West. Not a day goes by I don’t receive calls text messages and such from other agents trying to sell me a MAPD. All illegal practices. This mess won’t stop until they lower the pay on MA plans. It will be a blow to us all but it would run these greedy, lying, losers into another field of work. Seniors should be smart enough to trust somebody they’ve worked with for years but every month a client gets sucked by lies to enroll into a MA plan or change one. It’s lawlessness.
Want a fix, do what cms wanted to do , take the marketing money away put it back into the plans, and don't think for a minute that they are not coming back with a lawsuit proof plan in January, aep starts on Oct 15th , till dec 15th, for Jan 1st effective date , everyone gets one more shot to change up to Jan 31st, Feb 1st everyone is locked in , no more sep, you got rain you can switch, it snowed you can switch, I took a dump I can switch, locked in Feb 1st..