Wellcare PDP Class Action Suit

If only there was an FMO with 700,000 agents that could step forward. They obviously have lawyers since we got our raises taken away with a lawsuit. Crickets so far.
Crickets are dangerous.

Use em all the time when I'm bream fishing. Had a bad habit of holding them between my lips until I was ready to put them on the hook.

Had one sting my lip once. I almost cried it hurt so bad.

I still use them. I just don't lip sync them anymore.
I have asked Wellcare management to qualify whether the non-payment of renewals means for PDP clients that happen to move to Wellcare this year, or does it target my existing book renewals?
Renewals are renewals - your pdp book evaporates 1/1/25, $0 comp, terminated as AOR.
I think that the FMO's are all freaked out, and they will not go out of their way to do anything but save their own skins. CMS officially questioned their value, and they were not far off the mark. The FMO's are also extremely lame in general. Last year when CMS questioned their right to exist, they did not try to enlist the agents help for the comment period until it was days from expiring, and when they did, their explanation for why the agents had to go out of their way just after the holidays and write letters to Congress, was vague and lacking in transparency, so practically all agents ignored it.

I think that this will be up to us agents to start a class action suit. As someone said, "We either hang together or for sure we will hang separately"
And don't think for a minute that cms won't be back with their changes next year and this time they will be bringing it lawsuit proof
Nothing from my upline. Not a word. More crickets. Flush those renewals down the commode with the rest of the shit.
Nothing from my upline. Not a word. More crickets. Flush those renewals down the commode with the rest of the shit.

Our upline talked to us in person Tuesday. She said of course Amerilife and Integrity are fighting to get it back. But, don’t get your hopes up.

There’s really nothing more than can say, or more than can know than us.
Our upline talked to us in person Tuesday. She said of course Amerilife and Integrity are fighting to get it back. But, don’t get your hopes up.

There’s really nothing more than can say, or more than can know than us.
Integrity and amerilife don’t give 2 shits about their crap override on pdp . They already fought their battle to keep their fat overrides
Integrity and amerilife don’t give 2 shits about their crap override on pdp . They already fought their battle to keep their fat overrides

Our upline talked to us in person Tuesday. She said of course Amerilife and Integrity are fighting to get it back. But, don’t get your hopes up.

There’s really nothing more than can say, or more than can know than us.
FMO's will not get into a fight on our behalf. That has always been clear to me.

I have reached out to organizations that specialize in class action litigation. I should hear from them in the next 4 to 5 days. If after their review, they think it is worthwhile to pursue a c;lass action, then I will be willing to become a Lead Plaintiff, and will invite all the agents that will be losing renewal money, to simply join the class. This is a pretty slam dunk case IF the contract language does not have a poison pill that is unresolvable. There is no cost or risk in joining the class action suit if one eventually materializes. Because of easily identifiable aggrieved parties, if this suit proceeds, it may become an opt-out situation, meaning that the aggrieved parties will already be known, and will be considered part of the suit unless they decide to opt-out and pursue redress through their own means. I will update this thread the minute that I hear from the attorneys.

To me, the possible future effects on the industry by letting this situation go unchallenged, are far more important than the $5,000 per year I will lose if Wellcare gets away with it. Fail to challenge, and next year, a Humana or a UHC may decide that their flagship MAPD's will become non-commisionable. At that point we would all be finished as Medicare Advantage agents.
Is the sky falling yet? Can young person exist in this industry for the next 30 years with a level of stability.

Sell as much as you can.
Live below your means.
Do the work in a way to generate referrals.
Get good at need analysis. Get good at people. Money is still there.
Buy real estate with excess.
Take a walk, play with your kids... Don't obsess.

If it truly crashes, there are other things to sell and this business can be a good training ground for other industries.