Wellcare PDP Class Action Suit

I dont know where you are at, but the ACA market commission never went to $0 here in Fla. I also lost my IFP biz during the years when Obamacare was coming out and people thought that all plans would be free. That is a market...sometimes they are good, other times they are not.

If a company decides not to pay commissions next year, that is their right. They produce an amendment to their contract and do it. You then as a company live with the consequences of your decision in the marketplace. However, this is different. This is business that was sold under terms and conditions that called for payment of renewals. If you do not want to pay those renewals, then you can cancel ALL the plans, and let the clients re-up via some other mechanisms (without agents), but they will not do it that way because that is a huge financial risk, and putting their hands in their agent's pockets seems to be a much easier way to get $180 million per year.
I'm licensed for aca in Florida. Back in 2018, the only carrier available in most counties was captive agent model Florida blue. Zero commish if not FB agent
Saw a letter that a client received from Pfizer PAP program stating that they MUST join the MC payment plan in order to keep receiving PAP money for cancer medication.

Meaning, they are forcing carriers to take on interest free loan to patients.

Every pdp plan will lose money this year, agents are last on the list of considerations. Patients first, then carriers next to save the pdp market and shareholders, and somewhere down the list u will find agents.
If only there was an FMO with 700,000 agents that could step forward. They obviously have lawyers since we got our raises taken away with a lawsuit. Crickets so far.
Ditto....... Didn't care about us then......Don't care about us now.
About the only ones that don't take us for granted are our clients.
On Smart Saver Rx? I thought I lost all of those commissions.

Nope. I still get renewals.

And to Yags, no one is mad about no more commissions or no commissions on plans that are not available anymore. It’s about taking our renewals to people we helped sign up with their plan. The renewals are to service them.

That said, this supposed lawsuit will go absolutely nowhere.
I'm licensed for aca in Florida. Back in 2018, the only carrier available in most counties was captive agent model Florida blue. Zero commish if not FB agent
What you are saying is incorrect, and I did not come here to debate with a professional poster. I came here to find other interested parties in trying to fix a problem. If you dont want to so be it. This is my last response to you.
I have been working ACA in Fla since it opened in 2014. There has not been one single year when it went to $0 commissions. The last year of Obama we went down to 3 carriers, but they all paid commissions. No one but Blue captive agents could do Florida Blue, and that is still the case unless you work through a referral Blue G.A, which I used to do, but finally stopped doing.
If only there was an FMO with 700,000 agents that could step forward. They obviously have lawyers since we got our raises taken away with a lawsuit. Crickets so far.
I think that the FMO's are all freaked out, and they will not go out of their way to do anything but save their own skins. CMS officially questioned their value, and they were not far off the mark. The FMO's are also extremely lame in general. Last year when CMS questioned their right to exist, they did not try to enlist the agents help for the comment period until it was days from expiring, and when they did, their explanation for why the agents had to go out of their way just after the holidays and write letters to Congress, was vague and lacking in transparency, so practically all agents ignored it.

I think that this will be up to us agents to start a class action suit. As someone said, "We either hang together or for sure we will hang separately"
I think that the FMO's are all freaked out, and they will not go out of their way to do anything but save their own skins. CMS officially questioned their value, and they were not far off the mark. The FMO's are also extremely lame in general. Last year when CMS questioned their right to exist, they did not try to enlist the agents help for the comment period until it was days from expiring, and when they did, their explanation for why the agents had to go out of their way just after the holidays and write letters to Congress, was vague and lacking in transparency, so practically all agents ignored it.

I think that this will be up to us agents to start a class action suit. As someone said, "We either hang together or for sure we will hang separately"
I thought that some of the FMOs were proactive in requesting agents’ comments, but many saw little to no value in their upline or just flat out preferred the extra comp rates. I’m interested to know how NABIP can help.