Wellcare silver lining...?

At the end of the day, a few good years, can hold a company over through some bad years. Time will tell, who has the finances figured out. If it gets ugly enough, a company can always fire/hire a CEO, and shareholders get excited. Im sure they can always borrow some money too.

But if it gets really ugly, a bigger company will just buy them, and flip it. All employees get paid, but a few exec bonuses dont. As for agents, we dont get a "base" salary, like the employees. We just lose. The execs responsible for Wellcare's demise... they just go get exec jobs somewhere else. It's sort of like when a cop does a bad job, he just becomes a cop somewhere else.
I still feel like you said a whole lot that does nothing. Not to be a dick but there’s no new info there. It’s been said 100 times.

Ok, not to be a dick, but I thought this:
MAPD they still have a lot of agents and captive agents that write a lot of it. In Florida at least. I don’t.
was presented as new information. I was trying to compliment you on your insight and ability to summarize all that stuff into one brief recap statement.

Sorry I misunderstood.
Alright. It’s time to run for congress. Who’s coming with me ?
No joke, we have to get more political power. It's the only way to keep these companies' balls on a leash. Gotta start out on a local level and work your way up.

At the very least, we gotta start making lots of friends in high places. This is a Federal program with Federal tax dollars. Yanking away agent pay shouldn't even be an option.....ever.

At the VERY least, renewals should never be able to be touched. Any way you cut it, this is blatant theft. And that's where a lawsuit filed by us should be focused on. These are OUR clients.

We did the work to get them for YOU. I don't care what some generic contract may say. Contracts get overruled all the time in court. Regardless of what happens, this company needs to be sued into oblivion for stealing renewals. Period. It MUST happen.

I mean seriously, what is even the point of doing this job and building up if at any given random year, a company can just be like "Naaaaaaah, we're just not gonna pay you anymore, and we're gonna steal all of your vested earnings, too."

I'm telling you, start talking to anyone that will listen in the political arena. What happened with WellCare was unbelievably outrageously huge and unprecedented. We need to fight back HARD, and it needs to be stopped right now.

And it goes without saying, but all of us also need to be ALL over NABIP and the FMO's to actually help us and represent us here. And I hope everyone is giving EVERY carrier an earful and warning about this during the rollout meetings for 2025, to not even THINK about ever pulling some underhanded shit like this.

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No joke, we have to get more political power. It's the only way to keep these companies' balls on a leash. Gotta start out on a local level and work your way up.

At the very least, we gotta start making lots of friends in high places. This is a Federal program with Federal tax dollars. Yanking away agent pay shouldn't even be an option.....ever.

At the VERY least, renewals should never be able to be touched. Any way you cut it, this is blatant theft. And that's where a lawsuit filed by us should be focused on. These are OUR clients.

We did the work to get them for YOU. I don't care what some generic contract may say. Contracts get overruled all the time in court. Regardless of what happens, this company needs to be sued into oblivion for stealing our renewals. Period. It MUST happen.

I mean seriously, what is even the point of doing this job and building up if at any given random year, a company can just be like "Naaaaaaah, we're just not gonna pay you anymore, and we're gonna steal all of your vested earnings, too."

I'm telling you, start talking to anyone that will listen in the political arena. What happened with WellCare was unbelievably outrageously huge and unprecedented. We need to fight back HARD, and it needs to be stopped right now.

And it goes without saying, but all of us also need to be ALL over NABIP and the FMO's to actually help us and represent us here. And I hope everyone is giving EVERY carrier an earful and warning about this during the rollout meetings for 2025.

I see one agent here posting about actions by a group called NAHU.

Is that a relevant support organization for your purposes?
I see one agent here posting about actions by a group called NAHU.

Is that a relevant support organization for your purposes?
NAHU is the former acronym/name of the NABIP group that I’m speaking of. They rebranded. It used to stand for the “National Association of Health Underwriters,” and now it stands for the “National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals.” It used to just be for underwriters, and now it’s for any insurance professional, regardless of title.
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