What Are My Health Insurance Options?

There are no exclusions for diabetes, it's generally an auto-decline unless you are in absolute perfect health otherwise. Being overweight and having the BP/cholesterol treatments would cause an auto-decline with all companies, if in fact you are diabetic. If the opthamologist gives you a clear diagnosis, it may help (or may not), but probably still going to be tough to find anything. Companies don't want to see unexplained headaches and blurry vision without knowing what exactly is causing the problem.

It seems my options are limited.
I will try to get the job that offers health benefits.
Somarco is right, UHC STM ---you can't have been treated for hbp within 5 yrs.

Agree'd, I would try to obtain employment to obtain group benefits, it would be far cheaper than getting a group of 1 policy. However logical reasoning would dicate that this scenario is really based on your income level, if your business is cranking in over 80k a year, I doubt you would want to leave your business for a cashier job at walmart as an example.

Just my .02, if your business can be ran part-time, I would try to obtain some sort of group insurance.