What is EFES ?



An agent wrote that he only uses EFES for his leads.. Can someone tell me what this is? thanks.. final expense agent.. ( new )
An agent wrote that he only uses EFES for his leads.. Can someone tell me what this is? thanks.. final expense agent.. ( new )

Welcome. When I 1st came onto the website I used the search function to get lots of info at my fingertips quick.

Then I found out which members were really good at what they do then looked up everything they had to write by once again using the search.

Do A search for EFES and you will have a lot of info for both sides of leads i.e. doing it yourself but getting a higher comm% or having a professional company manage it for you and work towards a higher comm. as you start to produce.

I work under a different company that offers the same type of Program EFES does for a little less then a year and would not change a thing. EFES is solid and has a great thing going.

It's not just a lead system, EFES is an FMO for final expense. They offer very good training and contracing with most of the top FE companies available.

Is it for everyone? No. Can everyone that signs on with EFES become a successful FE agent? No.

But, for me, there is not a better deal out there. I was just recruited by someone on this board that claimed to have the "best FE training and lead system available". I sent him back an email with the details of my EFES. I told him if he could do better than that, call me, if he couldn't, don't waste his time or mine. I haven't heard from him since.

A large part of the deal with EFES is which manager you get signed up under. I was fortunate to get with Hoosierdaddy and his group.