I can say the same about you. I can't believe you are so willing to lie on an open forum. The only difference is I don't hide behind multiple fictitious Insurance Forum identities.
Listen up Shootah McGavin, all I am asking for is the promotional guidelines. It was Ben and Todd and You that started slinging mud. You guys are the ones attacking me and my faith. If EFES had "ANY" evidence of their accusation's, and if they could produce anything that said I was captive then I am sure it would have turned out different. That is why the Judge dismissed their case altogether. "No evidence"
You are the one calling me out about the litigation. Again the litigation we won lol. Please ask Ryan and Eric and have them come on say something. "Business decision" Whatever.
For someone claiming they are not with equita you sure seem to know a lot about them and are acting like a little sensitive
"Soy Boy".
Take your own advice you gave Todd, shut your piehole and go practice your speech therapy.
Look, I only called you out because of one reason. It wasn't the lawsuit, which I know nothing about.
It was simply because you are one of the biggest pieces of crap that I've ever ran across and agents on this board and those who will come should know not to even come close to getting mixed up with you!