What Is Your BEST Contract With Foresters with 10 Year Trails??

Their price "decrease" was a few dollars! And they actually RAISED rates but lowered their modal factor. They do pay well on graded, but their rates are just OK....not the highest, not the lowest!

Their preferred rates are top 5 in the market- their standard rate is cheaper than Monumentals preffered rates (in most cases), cheaper than Foresters and a whole slew of other companies
Their preferred rates are top 5 in the market- their standard rate is cheaper than Monumentals preffered rates (in most cases), cheaper than Foresters and a whole slew of other companies
Provider Preferred and standard products are fully underwritten.. You wouldn't expect rates to be as high as a true simplified issue product. If you compare apples to apples, you have to use their Express Issue premier and deluxe products.