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Yes, a real person's name and pictures. An address if there is one but a PO box is okay. Don't need a picture of the building though it helps but no phony office building pictures. A local phone number and an email address, not just a contact us form. If it doesn't have all these things it looks like they are hiding something. You have to ask what and why are they hiding.
It seems to me P&C agents include these things but most L&H agents are in hiding mode.
Unfortunately, there are so many scams (including insurance, solar, energy, etc) being run on the internet it's become a nightmare. If the website looks like it was designed by a 12 year old and/or ....If you can't verify a name, address (sorry I disagree with just a P.O.Box being sufficient), telephone number and a "company e-mail address"....not a free one ie. gmail...... I personally wouldn't trust them unless I was referred by a trusted source.
Why trust them with so many options?