What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

It is revisionist theology that is largely justified by the Old Testament...

The NT has enough issues with being a massive revision of the original religion... but they are now just completely ignoring the entire basis of the religion and pretending the OT is directive of how to live.

No different than when Christianity was used to justify slavery.... or burning women alive... or the native american genocide.... or the attempted genocide of muslims during the crusades.

Same excuses.
Same hatred of people who are different.
Same twisted moral justification.
Just history repeating itself.
Racism dressed up as a bible.
Racism dressed up as a bible.

They used to recite bible verses when whipping slaves.

Forced conversion to Christianity was part of the justification of slavery.

They wrote down in Confederate Government documents that it was their God given right to enslave others.... and would even cite bible verses in those government documents.

Preachers cited bible verses to justify segregation.

Preachers today cite bible verses to justify hate towards immigrants, gays, trans, & those who support them having equal rights.
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He's lost both elections if we were counting the number of votes. He won the electoral college in 2016 and that was a one off.

He was blown out in 2020, and he's going to lose even more bigly in 2024.
If you really want to be honest, every election that Trump has been on the top of the Ticket after 2016, Republicans have underperformed.

Every failed Red Wave that should have happened. Every Presidential race.

People here lie and say Trump has this great platform, he doesn't. He's always been really weak when it comes to policy... he'll tell you that himself.

That's why he lives on personal attacks like Sleepy Joe, whatever his one for Kamala Harris is... etc.

It's why he, and his followers, lives on race baiting.

If you are into Trump and don't think YOURE racist, cool. You shouldn't be offended when a large demographic is... because you're not.

Implying a woman is black only when it serves her, which is historically untrue, is racist...

When Kevin Sorbo literally tells Kamala to say the N word and let the people decide if she's black? That's racist af...

When you say Suburban women should love you because you keep them safe from black and brown people (hello immigration debate) that's racist.

When you imply that people from other countries are Rapist, crazies, and criminals (pot meet kettle) that shit is racist.

Fundamentally, Make America Great Again can be reasonably attributed to racism.. because you have to define when America was great originally, and to whom.

It hasn't always been okay, much less great, throughout history for black or brown people.

MAGA isn't Conservative because Trump has never had Conservative values. He may tell you he does, but his actions are the exact opposite of that.

There is only true value to being MAGA. Idolizing Trump.

We can have a difference of opinion about policy. That's never been what MAGA has offered. You follow Trump, or you're out.

Because his ideology requires blind adherence, he will lose followers when there is just a normal alternative.
And just as an aside... I don't support Donald Trump or RFK jr because they do not support what I believe America is...

I'm equally critical when the left creates poor narratives that are reaching against Trump or the Right. There are policies that Traditional Conservatives support that I'm totally into, smaller government, less spending/borrowing, more Freedom.

That's not what another Trump Presidency offers. It's the opposite, imo. So everyone gets to vote the way they think is right. If Trump wins, he wins.

Will I still be critical, yep... will I pretend an election is stolen without evidence? Nope.

Can MAGA say the same thing?
When the youngest established religion in the world is unaware of world history beyond their own.
It's not that.

It's Christian Supremacy that's the problem.

The Olympics were started in Greece. Ancient Greeks worshiped Dionysis.

But everything has to be a grievance to those Christians, because it's about being the only religion, and everything else is false and thus the enemy.

It's interesting that those people don't really pay attention to how Christ viewed others...
And exactly where did I say he was a man of God? I didn't.

He's just a man. Just like you and me.

But his positions are closer aligned to the Bible than hers.

List Trump's biblical positions, please.

Is it his anti-immigrant position?

Is it his anti-poor position?

Is it his anti low income housing position?

Is it his tax the poor not the rich position?

Is it his "it's ok to grab women by the p***** position?

Is it his anti worker positions? His love of firing workers who are bold enough to strike for fair wages position?

Trump is so far from living or supporting the Christ-like life he's closer to the Antichrist than he is what one typically would consider "biblical." Unless by "biblical" you meant he is the antichrist and the red MAGA hats worn by his supporters is in fact the mark of the beast?
Bernie Sanders loved a part of the Trump tax cuts for the middle class. He liked those so much, he wanted those made permanent, not just 8 year temporary improvement from the Obama tax rates for middle class

Yet he didn't. He made corporate and big money tax cuts permanent and *** the middle class.

You want to make Obama tax rates bad? Cool.. on board.

Want to make Trump tax breaks good? They were for Corps and High net worth. They were a temp bribe for the vast majority (middle class) voters.

Secondly, he added debt to the rolls by pushing out permanent tax rates with literally ZERO net benefit to Americans as a whole.

Corps made record profits.
High earners paid less tax.

Purchasing power for the middle class dropped, in real terms, due to inflation DIRECTLY linked to money printing under Trump.

Money printing from the top to main street takes 18 to 24 months to filter. What do you know, April 21 through June 22 the inflation rose... and then started dropping for 2 years to now...
List Trump's biblical positions, please.

Is it his anti-immigrant position?

Is it his anti-poor position?

Is it his anti low income housing position?

Is it his tax the poor not the rich position?

Is it his "it's ok to grab women by the p***** position?

Is it his anti worker positions? His love of firing workers who are bold enough to strike for fair wages position?

Trump is so far from living or supporting the Christ-like life he's closer to the Antichrist than he is what one typically would consider "biblical." Unless by "biblical" you meant he is the antichrist and the red MAGA hats worn by his supporters is in fact the mark of the beast?
Right now my internet is down and I'm typing on my phone. I hate that crap. But ...

I'm not about to go into all those silly positions you mentioned. But I will mention the big two. Abortion and homosexuality. For some reason you left those two off your list.

As for the antichrist part, I doubt it. He doesn't have the qualifications mentioned in the Bible.

Here's a free one for you.

Satan is not omniscient. He has no idea when Jesus is coming back. For that reason alone he's had an antichrist ready to in every generation. Goliath was an antichrist.