What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

And Biden did more than Trump in 2 years than Trump did in four.

Trump is a failed President.

It's ridiculous how dumb MAGA is...

It's not Conservative values that people are voting against, because MAGA doesn't have any...

If they did, they wouldn't let a man represent them that's destroyed every one of them.

It's not Trump because most Americans agree his vision is not the vision for American. Get it through your thick head, or continue to give Democrats more power.

A single Person should never face accountability. A single Party should never have a check.

MAGA's ideology is so toxic, that it empowers the lack of the check and balance system due to single party rule.

Okie Dokie then.
You got nothing.

But, you did say it with real emotion and conviction. Good Job!
The verse is in there. You just quoted it out of context.

I'm putting you back on ignore now.

Go walk your goat.
Pretty hard to misinterpret Judge not, that ye be not judged" although I've heard some MAGA types interpret it as shoot all people that don't look, walk or talk like me.
if someone of you guys would actually do research on what happened, vs what you think happened... or maybe take an 8th grade Civics class.

I probably should have included something of substance like 98% of the rest of your post, but this cracked me up... thinking of Civics and my old teachers!

But most of all, thank you for explaining it, step. by. stinking. step! I am concerned that some may still not understand, but not from a lack of your trying! I'm so sick of people having to repeat and repeat this information, but there are millions and millions who believe the whacked-out fake b.s. that Trump and his lackeys repeat, to this day. Thank you for giving the intelligent, clear, factual account of all those events up to just last month!

And with that, I'll probably not be back on here till after Medicare season, AKA April 2025!

A good selling season to all and see ya next year!

p.s. I went to school with a guy of the same name as you... in a peculiar town in Texas... would you be from round there? My name is the same as then. Just curious.
If you really want to be honest, every election that Trump has been on the top of the Ticket after 2016, Republicans have underperformed.

Every failed Red Wave that should have happened. Every Presidential race.

People here lie and say Trump has this great platform, he doesn't. He's always been really weak when it comes to policy... he'll tell you that himself.

That's why he lives on personal attacks like Sleepy Joe, whatever his one for Kamala Harris is... etc.

It's why he, and his followers, lives on race baiting.

If you are into Trump and don't think YOURE racist, cool. You shouldn't be offended when a large demographic is... because you're not.

Implying a woman is black only when it serves her, which is historically untrue, is racist...

When Kevin Sorbo literally tells Kamala to say the N word and let the people decide if she's black? That's racist af...

When you say Suburban women should love you because you keep them safe from black and brown people (hello immigration debate) that's racist.

When you imply that people from other countries are Rapist, crazies, and criminals (pot meet kettle) that shit is racist.

Fundamentally, Make America Great Again can be reasonably attributed to racism.. because you have to define when America was great originally, and to whom.

It hasn't always been okay, much less great, throughout history for black or brown people.

MAGA isn't Conservative because Trump has never had Conservative values. He may tell you he does, but his actions are the exact opposite of that.

There is only true value to being MAGA. Idolizing Trump.

We can have a difference of opinion about policy. That's never been what MAGA has offered. You follow Trump, or you're out.

Because his ideology requires blind adherence, he will lose followers when there is just a normal alternative.

Well said