What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

There is a lot of support here for a man that defrauded students trying to better themselves. It is beyond my comprehension how people support him.
His pyramid scheme university along with his paid endorsements from ACN, not to mention his suits and ties being made in China.
I was particularly impressed by Trump's selection of the Amway Queen, Betsy Devos, to run the nation's education portfolio. Please disregard the fact that Betsy was private-schooled, had no teaching experience or educational administrative history. Also disregard the fact that Betsy has financial interests in running private schools. Coincidentally, the Amway family has donated over $45M to Republican causes over the years, in addition to the lobbying money spent by the corporation itself. Yup, nothing to see here folks. Move along.
The anti-vax MAGA members overlooked the fact that Trump's corporate tax cuts benefitted Big Pharma by an additional $6B during just the first year they were in effect. Disregard that he selected ex-Big Pharma exec, Alex Azar, to run the nation's healthcare department.
Trump's China tariffs cost the average household $200-$300 a year, not including adding money to the national debt after he was forced to bail out farmers directly harmed by those tariffs. But they'll brag about saving $30 on their personal tax bill. lol
Someone numerous advisors and funds reported to the SEC...

Someone who ran a B rated annuity/FE carrier....

Someone who was born into a state level corrupt political dynasty...

What is the point you are making?
my point was despicable people like these are the only ones that would hopefully sell for an insurance company that went bankrupt 4 times. only someone without morals & looking to make sale or feed their ego would choose carriers like that.......unless that was the only carrier willing to let them sell
The anti-vax MAGA members overlooked the fact that Trump's corporate tax cuts benefitted Big Pharma by an additional $6B during just the first year they were in effect. Disregard that he selected ex-Big Pharma exec, Alex Azar, to run the nation's healthcare department.
Bernie Sanders loved a part of the Trump tax cuts for the middle class. He liked those so much, he wanted those made permanent, not just 8 year temporary improvement from the Obama tax rates for middle class
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Does he? Maybe this evangelical warped version of Christianity the right like to practice… I don’t see anything Christlike in any of these people.

It is revisionist theology that is largely justified by the Old Testament...

The NT has enough issues with being a massive revision of the original religion... but they are now just completely ignoring the entire basis of the religion and pretending the OT is directive of how to live.

No different than when Christianity was used to justify slavery.... or burning women alive... or the native american genocide.... or the attempted genocide of muslims during the crusades... spanish inquisition.... segregation.... women not having rights...

Same excuses.
Same hatred of people who are different.
Same twisted moral justification.
Just history repeating itself.
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