What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

What does Jesus instruct us to do with homosexuals? Are we to stone them to death or merely expel them from the community?
To love the person but to hate the sin.

If he's all of sudden ok with it then he's going to have to go back and apologize to Sodum and Gomorrah.
Racist - some people throw that out kinda like a throw away slur. Kinda from an emotional state I think.

When you say it ,what do you mean. I'm a Boomer, so keep it short please so I don't freeze up.

What does Jesus instruct us to do with homosexuals? Are we to stone them to death or merely expel them from the community?
Neither. Go back and read the passage where he said "He who is without sin cast the first stone."

He was the only one qualified to throw one but he didn't.
You know, that's how we wound up with Sleepy and now Harris. 'At least they ain't Trump'.
Not my point at all. But it's true.

I vote for the party that is closest aligned to Biblical principles.

Sadly for most of my lifetime it hasn't been the Democrats.
You know, that's how we wound up with Sleepy and now Harris. 'At least they ain't Trump'.
And Biden did more than Trump in 2 years than Trump did in four.

Trump is a failed President.

It's ridiculous how dumb MAGA is...

It's not Conservative values that people are voting against, because MAGA doesn't have any...

If they did, they wouldn't let a man represent them that's destroyed every one of them.

It's not Trump because most Americans agree his vision is not the vision for American. Get it through your thick head, or continue to give Democrats more power.

A single Person should never face accountability. A single Party should never have a check.

MAGA's ideology is so toxic, that it empowers the lack of the check and balance system due to single party rule.