What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

And? At least my comments make sense and have substance to them.

You just go on and on in circles like a child. Whatever it is you think you're right about, you weren't blessed with the ability to convince anyone. Even if I didn't know anything about anything, I'd get the feeling you're wrong and be inclined to vote the opposite way as you just based on how ridiculous your words are. You're free advertising for Republicans.

Back to ignore with you.
That is the reason Hyenna Harris makes sense to him. They both talk in rambling, nonsensical circles.
Toolbelt was the only one I ever put on ignore

and I tried really hard not to

and I took him off a few times and still had to put him back on
I can't find it, but toolboy and Travis are genuinely the meme (I forget exactly how it went) of the goofy guy in the corner of the dark basement with CNN on one TV, MessNBC on another, with 25 masks on, 100 syringes of covid vaccines sticking out of his body, a "Rage Against the Machine" band shirt on (ironically) calling everyone a "conspiracy theorist" in the caption bubble. 🙃 I cannot deal with extreme people. They both have a SEVERE mental illness and they need to seek major help for it.

I cannot deal with disingenuous, vicious, underhanded people like them. They have blinders on and lie, sensationalize, and distort the truth constantly, simply because they hate Trump. For instance, the "felony" conviction. Yea, pretty easy to get a "felony" conviction when you're changing rules and laws as you go along, and you're in a 90% district of communists.

I'm tired of extremes in this country, and with communists, that's all you get. Because they have a lust for total power and control, and the only way you get that is by constantly destabilizing everything and creating chaos. I'm not "far right" or whatever. I just want to get back to stability and normal times. And the only way to do that is to vote for Trump. Period, end of story.
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I can't find it, but toolboy and Travis are genuinely the meme (I forget exactly how it went) of the goofy guy in the corner of the dark basement with CNN on one TV, MessNBC on another, with 25 masks on, 100 syringes of covid vaccines sticking out of his body, a "Rage Against the Machine" band shirt on (ironically) calling everyone a "conspiracy theorist" in the caption bubble. 🙃 I cannot deal with extreme people. They both have a SEVERE mental illness and they need to seek major help for it.

I cannot deal with disingenuous, vicious, underhanded people like them. They have blinders on and lie, sensationalize, and distort the truth constantly, simply because they hate Trump. For instance, the "felony" conviction. Yea, pretty easy to get a "felony" conviction when you're changing rules and laws as you go along, and you're in a 90% district of communists.

I'm tired of extremes in this country, and with communists, that's all you get. Because they have a lust for total power and control, and the only way you get that is by constantly destabilizing everything and creating chaos. I'm not "far right" or whatever. I just want to get back to stability and normal times. And the only way to do that is to vote for Trump. Period, end of story.
Oh man, we still have people around here wearing masks. It's hilarious.

Especially people wearing a mask outside, or alone in a car. Generally anyone wearing a mask is funny.
. If you don't like politician's in general, but only attack one party, people may get the wrong impression.
Lol. This made me laugh out loud so loudly that i woke my grandmother up & she has been dead for 20 years.......you talking about someone attacking only 1 party......the irony